My Healthy Brain: Rationale and Case Report of a Virtual Group Lifestyle Program Targeting Modifiable Risk Factors for Dementia

Ryan A Mace, Sarah W Hopkins, Gretchen O Reynolds, Ana-Maria Vranceanu, Ryan A Mace, Sarah W Hopkins, Gretchen O Reynolds, Ana-Maria Vranceanu


Nearly half of dementia cases may be explained by modifiable lifestyle risk factors. Multidomain interventions are needed to bypass cognitive decline (CD) and aging-related barriers to sustained healthy lifestyles in at-risk older adults. We iteratively developed My Healthy Brain, a group-based lifestyle program (8 weeks, 90 min sessions) delivered via live video that applies behavioral principles to target multiple risk factors for dementia. We describe the program structure, virtual delivery, and outcomes for a group of older adults with subjective CD or mild cognitive impairment and lifestyle risk factors (e.g., sedentary, poor sleep or diet). We also conducted a group exit interview to qualitatively assess participant experiences and elicit feedback to improve My Healthy Brain. This case report demonstrates that delivering evidence-based brain health education and behavior change skills in a group setting via live video is feasible, acceptable, and has the potential to improve lifestyle, cognitive, and psychosocial outcomes in older adults with CD.

Keywords: Case study; Cognitive impairment; Dementia; Lifestyle; Telehealth.

Conflict of interest statement

All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Conceptual model of multidomain intervention targeting modifiable risk factors of brain disease and optimizing cognitive function with aging


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