Promoting Reminiscences with Virtual Reality Headsets: A Pilot Study with People with Dementia

Tiago Coelho, Cátia Marques, Daniela Moreira, Maria Soares, Paula Portugal, António Marques, Ana Rita Ferreira, Sónia Martins, Lia Fernandes, Tiago Coelho, Cátia Marques, Daniela Moreira, Maria Soares, Paula Portugal, António Marques, Ana Rita Ferreira, Sónia Martins, Lia Fernandes


This study aimed to explore the feasibility and effects of promoting reminiscences, using virtual reality (VR) headsets for viewing 360° videos with personal relevance, with people with dementia. A study with a mixed methods design was conducted with nine older adults diagnosed with dementia. Interventions consisted of four sessions, in which the participants' engagement, psychological and behavioral symptoms, and simulation sickness symptoms were evaluated. Neuropsychiatric symptomatology and quality of life were measured pre- and post-intervention. Caregivers were interviewed regarding the effect of the approach. In most cases, participants appeared to enjoy the sessions, actively explored the 360° environment, and shared memories associated with the depicted locations, often spontaneously. There were no cases of significant increases in simulator sickness and psychological and behavioral symptoms during sessions, with only some instances of minor eyestrain, fullness of head, anxiety, irritability, and agitation being detected. Although there were no significant changes in the measured outcomes after intervention, the caregivers assessed the experience as potentially beneficial for most participants. In this study, promoting reminiscences with VR headsets was found to be a safe and engaging experience for people with dementia. However, future studies are required to better understand the added value of immersion, using VR, in reminiscence therapy.

Keywords: dementia; reminiscences; virtual reality.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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