A Feasibility Study with Image-Based Rendered Virtual Reality in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

Valeria Manera, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Jérémy Bourgeois, Rachid Guerchouche, Renaud David, Jan Ondrej, George Drettakis, Philippe Robert, Valeria Manera, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Jérémy Bourgeois, Rachid Guerchouche, Renaud David, Jan Ondrej, George Drettakis, Philippe Robert


Virtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a promising tool in many domains of therapy and rehabilitation, and has recently attracted the attention of researchers and clinicians working with elderly people with MCI, Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Here we present a study testing the feasibility of using highly realistic image-based rendered VR with patients with MCI and dementia. We designed an attentional task to train selective and sustained attention, and we tested a VR and a paper version of this task in a single-session within-subjects design. Results showed that participants with MCI and dementia reported to be highly satisfied and interested in the task, and they reported high feelings of security, low discomfort, anxiety and fatigue. In addition, participants reported a preference for the VR condition compared to the paper condition, even if the task was more difficult. Interestingly, apathetic participants showed a preference for the VR condition stronger than that of non-apathetic participants. These findings suggest that VR-based training can be considered as an interesting tool to improve adherence to cognitive training in elderly people with cognitive impairment.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: Co-author Jan Ondrej is employed by Disney Research Los Angeles. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.


Fig 1. Summary of the study procedure.
Fig 1. Summary of the study procedure.
Fig 2. Examples of stimuli employed in…
Fig 2. Examples of stimuli employed in the attentional task.
Participants were asked to find five characters corresponding to specific criteria among a crowd of distracters.
Fig 3. Self-report questionnaires.
Fig 3. Self-report questionnaires.
Mean scores for the self-report questionnaires in the Virtual Reality (VR, blue) and the classical paper version (red) conditions. Rating scale: 0 to 10. *p

Fig 4. Results of the self-reported interest…

Fig 4. Results of the self-reported interest for apathetic and non-apathetic participants.

Results of the…

Fig 4. Results of the self-reported interest for apathetic and non-apathetic participants.
Results of the self-reported interest for the Virtual Reality condition (VR, blue) and the classical paper condition (red) for the total sample, apathetic participants and non-apathetic participants.
Fig 4. Results of the self-reported interest…
Fig 4. Results of the self-reported interest for apathetic and non-apathetic participants.
Results of the self-reported interest for the Virtual Reality condition (VR, blue) and the classical paper condition (red) for the total sample, apathetic participants and non-apathetic participants.


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