Needs and concerns of transgender individuals regarding interdisciplinary transgender healthcare: A non-clinical online survey

Jana Eyssel, Andreas Koehler, Arne Dekker, Susanne Sehner, Timo O Nieder, Jana Eyssel, Andreas Koehler, Arne Dekker, Susanne Sehner, Timo O Nieder


This study investigates the needs and concerns transgender (short: trans) individuals have concerning trans healthcare (THC) in interdisciplinary THC centres. Trans individuals' gender does not (fully/constantly) match their sex assigned at birth. To be able to live in their gender role and to prevent or minimise gender dysphoria, they might require a multidisciplinary set of transition related healthcare services. The current shift from the traditionally highly regulated, hierarchical and pathologising approach to THC towards a more patient-centred approach has highlighted the importance of trans patients' satisfaction with treatment processes and results. As the still influential regulations have a negative effect on patient satisfaction, and might also keep trans individuals from seeking transition related treatment, it is crucial to investigate what trans individuals, whether patients or not, need and fear regarding transition related healthcare. Against the backdrop of mixed reactions received from the local trans community regarding the foundation of the Interdisciplinary Transgender Healthcare Centre Hamburg (ITHCCH), Germany, this study seeks to determine what trans individuals need with respect to THC in order to guarantee for high quality service provision at the ITHCCH. To this end, an online questionnaire was developed. The researchers employed a participatory approach to questionnaire development by involving a working group consisting of local trans support group representatives and (THC) specialists (N = 4). The sample consisted of N = 415 trans-identified individuals aged between 16 and 76. Most of them were based in Germany. 85.2% (n = 382) reported experience with transition related healthcare and 72.5% (n = 301) had (additional) treatments planned. Analysis revealed a need for communication and feedback opportunities. Furthermore, during the treatment process, addressing individual needs was considered crucial by participants. They agreed moderately with concerns towards THC centres. 96.5% of participants would like high decision-making power concerning treatment-associated decisions. The results demonstrate the importance of patient-centred THC that takes patients' individual needs and realities into consideration and involves patients in decision-making processes.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The author TN is head of the Outpatient Unit for Sexual Health and Transgender Care at the Department for Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry. TN is deputy spokesperson of the Interdisciplinary Transgender Healthcare Center Hamburg. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.


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