A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Behavioral, Educational, and Pharmacological Treatments in Youths With Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome

Renata Rizzo, Alessandra Pellico, Paola Rosaria Silvestri, Flavia Chiarotti, Francesco Cardona, Renata Rizzo, Alessandra Pellico, Paola Rosaria Silvestri, Flavia Chiarotti, Francesco Cardona


Context: The existing literature on the treatment of pediatric chronic tic disorder (CTD) and Tourette syndrome (TS) indicates that both behavioral therapy (BT) and pharmacotherapy (PT) are effective for reducing symptoms.

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of BT compared to psychoeducation (PE) or PT for reducing tics and co-occurring symptoms and for improving quality of life (QoL) in a sample of youths with CTD and TS.

Design: A 10 weeks, 2 sites (Catania, Rome) randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomized to receive one of the following treatments: BT, PE, or PT.

Participants: 110 outpatients aged between 8 and 17 years affected by CTD or TS.

Results: Patients in the BT and PT groups showed a significant reduction in the severity of tic symptoms, while the PE group did not show any improvement. PT was more effective for reducing obsessive compulsive symptoms than BT, while PE group did not show any improvement. Both BT and PT groups showed an improvement in most QoL domains, whereas no differences were found in the PE group.

Conclusions: BT is as effective as pharmacological therapy in the treatment of tic disorders in children and adolescents, thus offering an alternative to medications for CTD and TS.

Keywords: Tourette syndrome; behavior therapy; pharmacological treatment; psychoeducation; youth.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale score variations (means and SEs) from baseline (T0) to time 1 (Tl) and 2 (T2) * p < 0.05, behavioral therapy (BT) vs pharmacotherapy (PT); ** p < 0.01, psychoeducation vs both BT and PT.


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