Pacific Clinical Research GroupTM (PCRG) in Australia


Phone:+61 2 9922 2627

Fax:+61 2 9383 8043


  • Level 36, 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000 Australia; P.O Box A487, Sydney South NSW 1235

About Pacific Clinical Research GroupTM (PCRG)

Pacific Clinical Research GroupTM (PCRG) has 18 years of consistent success, with 94% of our clients achieving their primary objective – whether it be clinical, regulatory or strategic/financial.
The PCRG Chairman works full-time for the Company, and is an Australian-trained, Harvard-recruited Cardiologist with 25 years’ global clinical trial experience.
Staff Based in Australia/New Zealand. All PCRG staff have many years, if not decades, of working only in Australia and/or New Zealand. This provides us with:
A strong knowledge of Local Regulations and requirements;
Unique understanding of local clinical trial culture, and nuances at particular clinical sites;
Longstanding, close relationships with KOLs, sites, Ethics Committees, the TGA and MedSafe.
All PCRG staff are employees, not sub-contractors. Additionally, staff retention rates are significantly higher than most CROs – currently, our clinical staff have a median of 5.8 years’ employment at PCRG.
One of the first Australian CROs to have ISO 9001 Certification, PCRG have also undergone >100 routine external audits. In our 18 years, we have never had a major deficiency cited.
With >95% of our clients being based outside Australia, PCRG have a unique understanding of international clinical trial culture, regulations and Sponsor requirements.
