Perspectives of parents and nurses on the content validity of the Family Empowerment Scale for parents of children with a chronic condition: A mixed-methods study

Elisabeth W Segers, Agnes van den Hoogen, Irene C van Eerden, Thora Hafsteinsdóttir, Marjolijn Ketelaar, Elisabeth W Segers, Agnes van den Hoogen, Irene C van Eerden, Thora Hafsteinsdóttir, Marjolijn Ketelaar


Background: Insight into parental empowerment is important to understanding the impact of health care policy and to supporting and strengthening parents in the care of their child. The Family Empowerment Scale (FES) is a valid 24-item instrument that measures parental empowerment. It was originally developed for parents of children with emotional disabilities. It has been translated from English into Dutch. Before using the translated FES in another context, the aim of this study was to assess the content validity of the Dutch FES in the context of children with a chronic condition in a children's hospital, according to parents and nurses.

Method: This content validity study has a convergent, mixed-methods design. The content validity index was used to examine the relevance, according to 22 parents and 12 nurses quantitatively, on a scale and item level. The qualitative part assessed the comprehensiveness and comprehension of the FES through cognitive interviewing with eight parents and four nurses. The results of both analyses were converged to determine content validity.

Results: The scale-content validity index was 0.88; three items scored < 0.78 on the item level. For 10 (of 24) items, issues were noticed about the tone and clarity of wording. Participants considered the FES to be not only an instrument of research but also an instrument that could be used to give insight into the personal degree of parental empowerment.

Conclusion: The content validity of the Dutch FES for parents of children with a chronic condition can be considered sufficient. Resolving some minor translation issues in some of the items is advised. The FES can be used in further research to examine the value of the FES in health care services, aiming to support the needs of parents and to increase their empowerment.

Keywords: Family Empowerment Scale; children; chronic conditions; content validity; empowerment; parents.

Conflict of interest statement

None declared.

© 2018 The Authors. Child: Care, Health and Development Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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