A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders in primary care: study protocol

Pasquale Roberge, Martin D Provencher, Patrick Gosselin, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Isabelle Gaboury, Annie Benoit, Martin M Antony, Nils Chaillet, Janie Houle, Catherine Hudon, Peter J Norton, Pasquale Roberge, Martin D Provencher, Patrick Gosselin, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Isabelle Gaboury, Annie Benoit, Martin M Antony, Nils Chaillet, Janie Houle, Catherine Hudon, Peter J Norton


Background: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in community settings, and they are associated with significant psychological distress, functional and social impairment. While cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is the most consistently efficacious psychological treatment for anxiety disorders, barriers preclude widespread implementation of CBT in primary care. Transdiagnostic group CBT (tCBT) focuses on cognitive and behavioural processes and intervention strategies common to different anxiety disorders, and could be a promising alternative to conventional CBT. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a transdiagnostic group CBT for anxiety disorders program as a complement to treatment-as-usual (TAU) in primary mental health care.

Methods/design: The trial is a multicentre pragmatic randomized controlled trial with a pre-treatment, post-treatment, and follow-up at 4, 8 and 12-months design. Treatment and control groups. a) tCBT (12 weekly 2-h group sessions following a manualized treatment protocol); b) TAU for anxiety disorders. Inclusion criteria comprise meeting DSM-5 criteria for primary Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety Disorder and/or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Patients are recruited in three regions in the province of Quebec, Canada. The primary outcome measures are the self-reported Beck Anxiety Inventory and the clinician-administered Anxiety and Related Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-5 (ADIS-5); secondary outcome measures include treatment responder status based on the ADIS-5, and self-reported instruments for specific anxiety and depression symptoms, quality of life, functioning, and service utilisation.

Statistical analysis: Intention-to-treat analysis. A mixed effects regression model will be used to account for between- and within-subject variations in the analysis of the longitudinal effects of the intervention.

Discussion: This rigorous evaluation of tCBT in the real world will provide invaluable information to decision makers, health care managers, clinicians and patients regarding the effectiveness of the intervention. Widespread implementation of tCBT protocols in primary care could lead to better effectiveness, efficiency, access and equity for the large number of patients suffering from anxiety disorders that are currently not obtaining evidence-based psychotherapy.

Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02811458 .

Keywords: Access to psychotherapy; Anxiety disorders; Cognitive behaviour therapy; Cost/effectiveness; Evidence-based practice; Group treatment; Pragmatic trial; Primary care; Psychotherapy; Transdiagnostic.

Conflict of interest statement

Ethics approval and consent to participate

In coherence with Quebec’s new multicentre ethical evaluation modalities, the research protocol was submitted to the principal ethics review board (Comité d’éthique de la recherche du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Estrie – Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, #MP-22-2016-570) and to the boards of the other insitutions for review (Comité d’éthique de la recherche de l’lnstitut Universitaire en santé mentale de Quebec, #2017–166; Comité scientifique et d’éthique de la recherche – CISSS de Laval, #2016–2017 / C54). All participants complete a consent form and will be informed of the results of the trial, if desired. Research staff sign a confidentiality agreement. The protection of data is conform to the ERB guidelines. Previous studies on tCBT showed no risk to the safety of participants. The research staff is trained to carry out the initial assessment of suicidal risk and emergency, and if there is any doubt about safety, they will establish contact with the primary care physician or hospital emergency department. Therapists are rigorously trained for the intervention, and the patients will continue their usual care for the duration of the study.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

PJN receives royalties from Guilford Press for sales of “Group Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety: A Transdiagnostic Treatment Manual” [59]. The authors declare that they have no other competing interests.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Flow of participants


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