Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2018 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association

Emelia J Benjamin, Salim S Virani, Clifton W Callaway, Alanna M Chamberlain, Alexander R Chang, Susan Cheng, Stephanie E Chiuve, Mary Cushman, Francesca N Delling, Rajat Deo, Sarah D de Ferranti, Jane F Ferguson, Myriam Fornage, Cathleen Gillespie, Carmen R Isasi, Monik C Jiménez, Lori Chaffin Jordan, Suzanne E Judd, Daniel Lackland, Judith H Lichtman, Lynda Lisabeth, Simin Liu, Chris T Longenecker, Pamela L Lutsey, Jason S Mackey, David B Matchar, Kunihiro Matsushita, Michael E Mussolino, Khurram Nasir, Martin O'Flaherty, Latha P Palaniappan, Ambarish Pandey, Dilip K Pandey, Mathew J Reeves, Matthew D Ritchey, Carlos J Rodriguez, Gregory A Roth, Wayne D Rosamond, Uchechukwu K A Sampson, Gary M Satou, Svati H Shah, Nicole L Spartano, David L Tirschwell, Connie W Tsao, Jenifer H Voeks, Joshua Z Willey, John T Wilkins, Jason Hy Wu, Heather M Alger, Sally S Wong, Paul Muntner, American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee, Emelia J Benjamin, Salim S Virani, Clifton W Callaway, Alanna M Chamberlain, Alexander R Chang, Susan Cheng, Stephanie E Chiuve, Mary Cushman, Francesca N Delling, Rajat Deo, Sarah D de Ferranti, Jane F Ferguson, Myriam Fornage, Cathleen Gillespie, Carmen R Isasi, Monik C Jiménez, Lori Chaffin Jordan, Suzanne E Judd, Daniel Lackland, Judith H Lichtman, Lynda Lisabeth, Simin Liu, Chris T Longenecker, Pamela L Lutsey, Jason S Mackey, David B Matchar, Kunihiro Matsushita, Michael E Mussolino, Khurram Nasir, Martin O'Flaherty, Latha P Palaniappan, Ambarish Pandey, Dilip K Pandey, Mathew J Reeves, Matthew D Ritchey, Carlos J Rodriguez, Gregory A Roth, Wayne D Rosamond, Uchechukwu K A Sampson, Gary M Satou, Svati H Shah, Nicole L Spartano, David L Tirschwell, Connie W Tsao, Jenifer H Voeks, Joshua Z Willey, John T Wilkins, Jason Hy Wu, Heather M Alger, Sally S Wong, Paul Muntner, American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee

No abstract available

Keywords: AHA Scientific Statements; cardiovascular diseases; epidemiology; risk factors; statistics; stroke.

Conflict of interest statement

The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. Specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest.

Source: PubMed
