Factors Associated with Visceral Fat Loss in Response to a Multifaceted Weight Loss Intervention

F X Liu, S W Flatt, J F Nichols, B Pakiz, H S Barkai, D R Wing, D D Heath, C L Rock, F X Liu, S W Flatt, J F Nichols, B Pakiz, H S Barkai, D R Wing, D D Heath, C L Rock


Background: Visceral adipose tissue is more metabolically active than other fat depots and is more closely associated with obesity-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, than indicators of obesity, such as body mass index. Across various strategies to promote weight loss, including energy-reduced diet and exercise, variable effects on VAT compared to loss of total body fat have been reported.

Methods: To examine the effect of a behavioral weight loss intervention using portion-controlled prepackaged entrées on VAT, we examined data and measurements from overweight/obese men and women (N=183) who were assigned to a weight loss intervention and prescribed a reduced-energy diet with either portion-controlled prepackaged entrées or self-selected meals in a randomized clinical trial. VAT was estimated with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at baseline and study end (12 weeks).

Results: VAT loss was greater for the prepackaged entrees group (p=0.02), with an average loss of 29% compared to an average loss of 19% among participants consuming self-selected meals. VAT (mean [SEM]) was 1651 (71) g and 1546 (157) g at baseline and 1234 (59) g and 1278 (118) g at study end in the prepackaged entrees and self-selected meal groups, respectively. Greater VAT loss was associated with higher baseline weight and VAT, and greater weight loss, but not associated with age or physical activity.

Conclusion: Prescribing portion-controlled prepackaged entrees in a behavioral weight loss intervention promotes a reduction in VAT, which should promote improved metabolic profile and reduced cardiovascular disease risk.

Keywords: Diet; Physical activity; Portion-controlled foods; Visceral fat.

Conflict of interest statement

Disclosure Dr. Rock has received research funding for clinical trials through her institution from Jenny Craig, Inc., and Nestle USA, Inc. No other potential conflicts of interest are reported.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Plot of visceral fat g change (y axis) vs weight loss in kg (x axis).


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