Peri-operative considerations for sedation-analgesia during cataract surgery: a narrative review

C M Kumar, E Seet, T Eke, M G Irwin, G P Joshi, C M Kumar, E Seet, T Eke, M G Irwin, G P Joshi


Cataract surgery is usually of short duration and is associated with minimal pain when employing topical or regional anaesthesia. Patient education regarding the peri-operative process may help alleviate anxiety and avoid the need for sedation. However, sedation may be required, and we discuss the various options. Many consider that pre-operative fasting is necessary due to the risk of aspiration but fasting may not be required if minimal sedation is administered. If the use of sedatives, hypnotics or analgesics is required, then their associated adverse events should be considered.

Keywords: analgesia; cataract surgery; complications; local anaesthesia; regional anaesthesia; sedation.

© 2019 Association of Anaesthetists.


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