Tourniquets in orthopedic surgery

Jai Prakash Sharma, Rashmi Salhotra, Jai Prakash Sharma, Rashmi Salhotra


Tourniquets are commonly used in limb surgeries, be it orthopedic or plastic surgeries. But the inflation pressures, the duration, and release guidelines are still not clear. According to a survey, majority of orthopedic surgeons inflate the tourniquet to fixed pressures for the upper and the lower limbs without considering the baseline blood pressure of the patient on whom the tourniquets are being applied. This review was designed to recall and review the safe use of tourniquets and the various techniques that can be employed to minimize the complications of tourniquet use. Google, science direct, and pubmed were searched for appropriate literature and relevant articles were identified.

Keywords: Tourniquet; orthopaedic surgery; tourniquet and complications.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: None.


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