What is this thing called pain?

Clifford J Woolf, Clifford J Woolf


To paraphrase Cole Porter's famous 1926 song, "What is this thing called pain? This funny thing called pain, just who can solve its mystery?" Pain, like love, is all consuming: when you have it, not much else matters, and there is nothing you can do about it. Unlike love, however, we are actually beginning to tease apart the mystery of pain. The substantial progress made over the last decade in revealing the genes, molecules, cells, and circuits that determine the sensation of pain offers new opportunities to manage it, as revealed in this Review series by some of the foremost experts in the field.


Figure 1. Pain classification.
Figure 1. Pain classification.
Pain can be broadly divided into three classes. (A) Nociceptive pain represents the sensation associated with the detection of potentially tissue-damaging noxious stimuli and is protective. (B) Inflammatory pain is associated with tissue damage and the infiltration of immune cells and can promote repair by causing pain hypersensitivity until healing occurs. (C) Pathological pain is a disease state caused by damage to the nervous system (neuropathic) or by its abnormal function (dysfunctional).

Source: PubMed
