Impulsivity and anxiety-related dimensions in adults with bulimic-spectrum disorders differentially relate to eating disordered behaviors

Katherine Schaumberg, Stephen Wonderlich, Ross Crosby, Carol Peterson, Daniel Le Grange, James E Mitchell, Scott Crow, Thomas Joiner, Anna M Bardone-Cone, Katherine Schaumberg, Stephen Wonderlich, Ross Crosby, Carol Peterson, Daniel Le Grange, James E Mitchell, Scott Crow, Thomas Joiner, Anna M Bardone-Cone


While facets of both anxiety and impulsivity appear central to the development and maintenance of bulimia nervosa (BN), specific BN behaviors may be propagated by differing profiles of risk. The current study examined associations between dimensions of anxiety and impulsivity and BN symptoms (binge eating, vomiting, laxative misuse, driven exercise), both in terms of the presence of such behaviors and their frequency. Two hundred and four women (Mage = 25.7 years) who met DSM-IV criteria for full or subthreshold BN completed self-report measures of perfectionism (Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale), anxiety (Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory), impulsivity (Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11; Impulsive Behavior Scale), eating disordered behaviors (Eating Disorder Examination - Questionnaire), and associated psychiatric symptoms (Michigan Assessment Screening Test/Alcohol-Drug; Maudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory). Factor analysis revealed multidimensional impulsive and anxiety-related traits (5 anxiety-related factors; 7 impulsivity-related factors). In zero-sensitive regression models, different facets of impulsivity evidenced association with the presence of binge eating (risk taking), laxative misuse (impulsive spending), and fasting (difficulty concentrating), along with the frequency of vomiting (long-term planning difficulties). In contrast, anxiety-related dimensions were only associated with driven exercise (high standards) and fasting (concern over mistakes, high standards, parental expectations). Overall, impulsive and anxiety-related factors and symptoms showed distinct associations with specific eating disorder behaviors, even among those with the same diagnosis.

Keywords: Anxiety; Binge eating; Bulimia nervosa; Compulsivity; Driven exercise; Fasting; Impulsivity; Purging.

Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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