Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Paving the Way to Lung Cancer

Klára Szalontai, Nikolett Gémes, József Furák, Tünde Varga, Patrícia Neuperger, József Á Balog, László G Puskás, Gábor J Szebeni, Klára Szalontai, Nikolett Gémes, József Furák, Tünde Varga, Patrícia Neuperger, József Á Balog, László G Puskás, Gábor J Szebeni


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the frequently fatal pathology of the respiratory tract, accounts for half a billion cases globally. COPD manifests via chronic inflammatory response to irritants, frequently to tobacco smoke. The progression of COPD from early onset to advanced disease leads to the loss of the alveolar wall, pulmonary hypertension, and fibrosis of the respiratory epithelium. Here, we focus on the epidemiology, progression, and biomarkers of COPD with a particular connection to lung cancer. Dissecting the cellular and molecular players in the progression of the disease, we aim to shed light on the role of smoking, which is responsible for the disease, or at least for the more severe symptoms and worse patient outcomes. We summarize the inflammatory conditions, as well as the role of EMT and fibroblasts in establishing a cancer-prone microenvironment, i.e., the soil for 'COPD-derived' lung cancer. We highlight that the major health problem of COPD can be alleviated via smoking cessation, early diagnosis, and abandonment of the usage of biomass fuels on a global basis.

Keywords: COPD; chronic airway inflammation; lung cancer; smoking.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest. László G. Puskás is the owner and CEO of Avicor Ltd. Gabor J. Szebeni is lead biologist employee at Cs-Smartlab Devices Ltd.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Signaling pathways and inflammatory mediators sustaining a cancer-prone microenvironment in COPD. See explanation in the text.


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