Feasibility and acceptability of an online mindfulness-based group intervention for adults with tic disorders

Hannah E Reese, W Alan Brown, Berta J Summers, Jin Shin, Grace Wheeler, Sabine Wilhelm, Hannah E Reese, W Alan Brown, Berta J Summers, Jin Shin, Grace Wheeler, Sabine Wilhelm


Background: Preliminary research suggests that a mindfulness-based treatment approach may be beneficial for adults with tic disorders. In the present study, we report on the feasibility, acceptability, safety, and symptomatic effect of a novel online mindfulness-based group intervention for adults with Tourette syndrome or persistent tic disorder. Data from this study will directly inform the conduct of a funded randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of this intervention to another active psychological intervention.

Methods: One cohort of adults with Tourette syndrome participated in an 8-week online mindfulness-based group intervention. Measures of feasibility, acceptability, and safety were administered throughout and at posttreatment. Self-reported measures of mindfulness and clinician-rated measures of tic severity and impairment were administered at baseline and posttreatment.

Results: Data on refusal, dropout rate, attendance, participant satisfaction, and safety suggest that this is a feasible and acceptable intervention. However, participant adherence to home practice was lower than anticipated. Mindfulness, tic severity, and tic-related impairment only modestly improved from baseline to posttreatment. Qualitative analysis of participant feedback revealed aspects of the intervention that were most helpful and also areas for improvement.

Conclusions: Data suggest that although this is a feasible and acceptable intervention, it should be modified to enhance participant adherence, more successfully engage the target mechanism, and optimize outcomes.

Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov registration # NCT03525626 . Registered on 24 April 2018.

Keywords: Group treatment; Mindfulness; Online; Tic disorder; Tourette syndrome; Treatment.

Conflict of interest statement

S.W. has received research support in the form of free medication and matching placebo from Forest Laboratories for clinical trials funded by the NIH. S.W. is a presenter for the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy in educational programs supported through independent medical education grants from pharmaceutical companies; she has received royalties from Elsevier Publications, Guilford Publications, New Harbinger Publications, Springer, and Oxford University Press. S.W. has also received speaking honorarium from various academic institutions and foundations, including the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation and the Tourette Association of America. In addition, she received payment from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies for her role as Associate Editor for the Behavior Therapy journal, as well as from John Wiley & Sons, Inc. for her role as Associate Editor on the journal Depression & Anxiety. S.W. has also received salary support from Novartis and Telefonica Alpha, Inc. All other authors have no competing interests to report.


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