The mode of action of spatial repellents and their impact on vectorial capacity of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto

Sheila B Ogoma, Hassan Ngonyani, Emmanuel T Simfukwe, Antony Mseka, Jason Moore, Marta F Maia, Sarah J Moore, Lena M Lorenz, Sheila B Ogoma, Hassan Ngonyani, Emmanuel T Simfukwe, Antony Mseka, Jason Moore, Marta F Maia, Sarah J Moore, Lena M Lorenz


Malaria vector control relies on toxicity of insecticides used in long lasting insecticide treated nets and indoor residual spraying. This is despite evidence that sub-lethal insecticides reduce human-vector contact and malaria transmission. The impact of sub-lethal insecticides on host seeking and blood feeding of mosquitoes was measured. Taxis boxes distinguished between repellency and attraction inhibition of mosquitoes by measuring response of mosquitoes towards or away from Transfluthrin coils and humans. Protective effective distance of coils and long-term effects on blood feeding were measured in the semi-field tunnel and in a Peet Grady chamber. Laboratory reared pyrethroid susceptible Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto mosquitoes were used. In the taxis boxes, a higher proportion of mosquitoes (67%-82%) were activated and flew towards the human in the presence of Transfluthrin coils. Coils did not hinder attraction of mosquitoes to the human. In the semi-field Tunnel, coils placed 0.3 m from the human reduced feeding by 86% (95% CI [0.66; 0.95]) when used as a "bubble" compared to 65% (95% CI [0.51; 0.76]) when used as a "point source". Mosquitoes exposed to coils inside a Peet Grady chamber were delayed from feeding normally for 12 hours but there was no effect on free flying and caged mosquitoes exposed in the semi-field tunnel. These findings indicate that airborne pyrethroids minimize human-vector contact through reduced and delayed blood feeding. This information is useful for the development of target product profiles of spatial repellent products that can be used to complement mainstream malaria vector control tools.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Figure 1. Taxis boxes experimental design.
Figure 1. Taxis boxes experimental design.
Two taxis boxes placed 1 m away from the stimulus/treatment that is: a human or human and a coil. Mosquitoes were introduced in the middle chamber of each taxis box and the stimulus/treatment was changed each day to determine the effect on orientation of mosquitoes.
Figure 2. Point source experimental set up.
Figure 2. Point source experimental set up.
These experiments were conducted in the semi – field tunnel. In the control, two coils were placed on one side of the human. The distance between the coils and the human was changed each day to determine the protective distance of coils. Coils were not used in the control. Mosquitoes were released inside the tunnel and they were left to acclimatize for 10 minutes and then the human started collecting mosquitoes that landed on the bare feet.
Figure 3. Bubble experimental set up.
Figure 3. Bubble experimental set up.
Experiments were conducted in the semi – field tunnel. A coil was placed equidistant on either side of the human. The distance was changed each night to determine the protective distance. Coils were not used in the control. Mosquitoes were released inside the tunnel and left to acclimatize for 10 minutes and then the human started collecting mosquitoes.
Figure 4. Dose response of mosquitoes to…
Figure 4. Dose response of mosquitoes to Transfluthrin coils with a human using taxis boxes.
Horizontal histogram presenting the percentage proportion of mosquitoes activated, attracted and repelled by control (no stimulus) and treatments: human alone, human + blank coil, human +0.015% Transfluthrin coil, human +0.030% Transfluthrin coil, human +0.045% Transfluthrin coil) in the taxis boxes. The table includes percentage proportions and their confidence intervals.
Figure 5. The effect of Transfluthrin coils…
Figure 5. The effect of Transfluthrin coils on blood feeding behavior of mosquitoes in a Peet Grady chamber.
Mosquitoes were exposed to different doses of Transfluthrin coils inside a Peet Grady chamber and later offered blood meals at different time intervals. The proportion of blood fed mosquitoes was compared between different doses and the control that had no coil. The proportion of blood fed mosquitoes was significantly lower than the control in all treatments after 25 minutes (a) and 1 hour (a). At 12 hours only 0.03% Transfluthrin coils significantly (b) reduced feeding compared to the control while after 24 hours there was no significant difference between all treatments and controls (c).
Figure 6. The effect of Transfluthrin coils…
Figure 6. The effect of Transfluthrin coils on blood feeding behavior of mosquitoes in a Semi-Field Tunnel.
The proportion of blood fed mosquitoes after they had been exposed to mosquito coils in the semi-field tunnel is presented in the two graphs. The graph on the left indicates caged mosquitoes and the one on the right indicates free flying mosquitoes. In the left graph the proportion of blood fed mosquitoes was significantly lower in the treatment compared to the control after only after 1 hour. In the right graph, the proportion of blood fed mosquitoes was not significantly different between controls and treatments at all times.


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