Can Yogic Breathing Techniques Like Simha Kriya and Isha Kriya Regulate COVID-19-Related Stress?

Manjari Rain, Balachundhar Subramaniam, Pramod Avti, Pranay Mahajan, Akshay Anand, Manjari Rain, Balachundhar Subramaniam, Pramod Avti, Pranay Mahajan, Akshay Anand


The global impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is tremendous on human life, not only affecting the physical and mental health of population but also impacting the economic system of countries and individual itself. The present situation demands prompt response toward COVID-19 by equipping the humans with strategies to overcome the infection and stress associated with it. These strategies must not only be limited to preventive and therapeutic measures, but also aim at improving immunity and mental health. This can be achieved by yogic breathing techniques. In this perspective, we emphasize the importance of yogic breathing, Simha Kriya and Isha kriya, the simple yet effective breathing techniques.

Keywords: COVID-19; Isha Kriya; Simha Kriya; breathing techniques; novel coronavirus; yogic breathing.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Copyright © 2021 Rain, Subramaniam, Avti, Mahajan and Anand.


Effects of Yogic breathing and probable advantage in COVID-19. Abbreviations: CD4, cluster of differentiation 4; CD8, cluster of differentiation 8; and MCP-1, Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1.


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