Comparison of clinical characteristics and outcomes between aspiration pneumonia and community-acquired pneumonia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Yasuhiro Yamauchi, Hideo Yasunaga, Hiroki Matsui, Wakae Hasegawa, Taisuke Jo, Kazutaka Takami, Kiyohide Fushimi, Takahide Nagase, Yasuhiro Yamauchi, Hideo Yasunaga, Hiroki Matsui, Wakae Hasegawa, Taisuke Jo, Kazutaka Takami, Kiyohide Fushimi, Takahide Nagase


Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients often have dysphagia through age and several co-morbidities, leading to aspiration pneumonia (AsP). COPD patients also have increased risk of developing community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Using a national inpatient database in Japan, we aimed to compare clinical characteristics and outcomes between AsP and CAP in COPD patients and to verify the factors that affect in-hospital morality.

Methods: We retrospectively collected data on COPD patients (age ≥40 years) who were admitted for AsP or CAP in 1,165 hospitals across Japan between July 2010 and May 2013. We performed multivariable logistic regression analyses to examine the association of various factors with all-cause in-hospital mortality for AsP and CAP.

Results: Of 87,330 eligible patients, AsP patients were more likely to be older, male and have poorer general condition and more severe pneumonia than those with CAP. In-hospital mortality in the AsP group was 22.7% and 12.2% in the CAP group. After adjustment for patient background, AsP patients had significantly higher mortality than CAP patients (adjusted odds ratio, 1.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.32). Subgroup analyses showed higher mortality to be associated with male gender, underweight, dyspnea, physical disability, pneumonia severity, and several co-morbidities. Further, older age and worse level of consciousness were associated with higher mortality in the CAP group, whereas those were not associated in the AsP group.

Conclusions: Clinical characteristics differed significantly between AsP and CAP in COPD patients. AsP patients had significantly higher mortality than those with CAP.


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