Effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on cardiometabolic risk factors and cognitive function in children: protocol for a cohort study

Yajie Lv, Li Cai, Zhaohuan Gui, Xia Zeng, Minyi Tan, Nianqing Wan, Lijuan Lai, Shaomin Lu, Weiqing Tan, Yajun Chen, Yajie Lv, Li Cai, Zhaohuan Gui, Xia Zeng, Minyi Tan, Nianqing Wan, Lijuan Lai, Shaomin Lu, Weiqing Tan, Yajun Chen


Introduction: Although studies showed that physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) were associated with cardiometabolic risk factors and cognitive function, both independent and combined associations among them are inconsistent. Cardiometabolic risk factors are also associated with cognitive function, but research of children is limited. Additionally, the brain level mechanisms have not been fully established. The proposed study aims to explore the associations and mechanisms of PA and SB on cognitive function and cardiometabolic risk factors in children.

Methods and analysis: This is a school-based prospective cohort study. A total of 8324 participants of this study are primary school students aged 7-12 years old who are followed up every 2 years from January 2017 to December 2026. We used a stratified cluster random sampling to select five primary schools in Guangzhou, China. There are three phases at baseline. At phase I, we collect PA, SB and cognitive function by questionnaires and also conduct anthropometric and biochemical measurements in all participants. At phase II, PA, SB and cognitive function are measured respectively by accelerometers and cognitive tasks among participants randomly selected from four subgroups with different SB and PA levels. At phase III, event-related potentials are recorded using electroencephalogram during a cognitive task among participants randomly selected from phase II. We plan to follow-up all participants until they graduate from high school. The process applied at baseline and follow-up are approximately identical.

Ethics and dissemination: Procedures described in this manuscript have been approved by the Ethical Review Committee for Biomedical Research, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University (L2016-010). All parents or guardians of participants signed the informed consent form voluntarily before participating in the study. The findings of the study will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

Trial registration number: NCT03582709.

Keywords: cardio-metabolic risk factors; children; cognitive function; physical activity; sedentary behaviour.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Design of the study. High SB: SB ≥ P75, low SB: SB

Figure 2

Sampling of phase II. High…

Figure 2

Sampling of phase II. High SB: SB ≥P75, low SB: SB

Figure 2
Sampling of phase II. High SB: SB ≥P75, low SB: SB
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Figure 2
Figure 2
Sampling of phase II. High SB: SB ≥P75, low SB: SB


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