Evaluation of a multicomponent programme for the management of musculoskeletal pain and depression in primary care: a cluster-randomised clinical trial (the DROP study)

Enric Aragonès, Germán López-Cortacans, Antonia Caballero, Josep Ll Piñol, Elisabet Sánchez-Rodríguez, Concepció Rambla, Catarina Tomé-Pires, Jordi Miró, Enric Aragonès, Germán López-Cortacans, Antonia Caballero, Josep Ll Piñol, Elisabet Sánchez-Rodríguez, Concepció Rambla, Catarina Tomé-Pires, Jordi Miró


Background: Chronic musculoskeletal pain and depression are very common in primary care patients. Furthermore, they often appear as comorbid conditions, resulting in additive effect on adverse health outcomes. On the basis of previous studies, we hypothesise that depression and chronic musculoskeletal pain may benefit from an integrated management programme at primary care level. We expect positive effects on both physical and psychological distress of patients.

Objective: To determine whether a new programme for an integrated approach to chronic musculoskeletal pain and depression leads to better outcomes than usual care.

Design: Cluster-randomised controlled trial involving two arms: a) control arm (usual care); and b) intervention arm, where patients participate in a programme for an integrated approach to the pain-depression dyad.

Settings: Primary care centres in the province of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain, Participants: We will recruit 330 patients aged 18-80 with moderate or severe musculoskeletal pain (Brief Pain Inventory, average pain subscale ≥5) for at least 3 months, and with criteria for major depression (DSM-IV).

Intervention: A multicomponent programme according to the chronic care model. The main components are care management, optimised antidepressant treatment, and a psychoeducational group action. Blind measurements: The patients will be monitored through blind telephone interviews held at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months.

Outcomes: Severity of pain and depressive symptoms, pain and depression treatment response rates, and depression remission rates.

Analysis: The outcomes will be analysed on an intent-to-treat basis and the analysis units will be the individual patients. This analysis will consider the effect of the study design on any potential lack of independence between observations made within the same cluster.

Ethics: The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Jordi Gol Primary Care Research Institute (IDIAP), Barcelona, (P14/142).

Discussion: This project strengthens and improves treatment approaches for a major comorbidity in primary care. The design of the intervention takes into account its applicability under typical primary care conditions, so that if the programme is found to be effective it will be feasible to apply it in a generalised manner.

Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02605278 ; Registered 28 September, 2015.

Keywords: Care management; Depressive disorder; Musculoskeletal pain; Patient education; Primary health care.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Flowchart: sampling, recruitment, randomization and monitoring of patients


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