2010 update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis

J Braun, R van den Berg, X Baraliakos, H Boehm, R Burgos-Vargas, E Collantes-Estevez, H Dagfinrud, B Dijkmans, M Dougados, P Emery, P Geher, M Hammoudeh, R D Inman, M Jongkees, M A Khan, U Kiltz, Tk Kvien, M Leirisalo-Repo, W P Maksymowych, I Olivieri, K Pavelka, J Sieper, E Stanislawska-Biernat, D Wendling, S Ozgocmen, C van Drogen, Bj van Royen, D van der Heijde, J Braun, R van den Berg, X Baraliakos, H Boehm, R Burgos-Vargas, E Collantes-Estevez, H Dagfinrud, B Dijkmans, M Dougados, P Emery, P Geher, M Hammoudeh, R D Inman, M Jongkees, M A Khan, U Kiltz, Tk Kvien, M Leirisalo-Repo, W P Maksymowych, I Olivieri, K Pavelka, J Sieper, E Stanislawska-Biernat, D Wendling, S Ozgocmen, C van Drogen, Bj van Royen, D van der Heijde


This first update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations on the management of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is based on the original paper, a systematic review of existing recommendations and the literature since 2005 and the discussion and agreement among 21 international experts, 2 patients and 2 physiotherapists in a meeting in February 2010. Each original bullet point was discussed in detail and reworded if necessary. Decisions on new recommendations were made - if necessary after voting. The strength of the recommendations (SOR) was scored on an 11-point numerical rating scale after the meeting by email. These recommendations apply to patients of all ages that fulfill the modified NY criteria for AS, independent of extra-articular manifestations, and they take into account all drug and non-drug interventions related to AS. Four overarching principles were introduced, implying that one bullet has been moved to this section. There are now 11 bullet points including 2 new ones, one related to extra-articular manifestations and one to changes in the disease course. With a mean score of 9.1 (range 8-10) the SOR was generally very good.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests None.


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Source: PubMed
