Exploring the Potential of Immersive Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect Due to Stroke: A Comprehensive Systematic Review

Alex Martino Cinnera, Alessio Bisirri, Ilaria Chioccia, Enza Leone, Irene Ciancarelli, Marco Iosa, Giovanni Morone, Valeria Verna, Alex Martino Cinnera, Alessio Bisirri, Ilaria Chioccia, Enza Leone, Irene Ciancarelli, Marco Iosa, Giovanni Morone, Valeria Verna


The present review aims to explore the use of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) in the treatment of visual perception in Unilateral Spatial Neglect (USN) after a stroke. PubMed, Scopus, Embase and Pedro databases were searched, from inception to 1 February 2022. All studies that investigated the effect of IVR on USN, such as outcome in the stroke population, have been included. The current comprehensive systematic review was performed following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations and was registered in the PROSPERO database [CRD42022311284]. Methodological quality was assessed through JBI critical appraisal tool. A total of 436 articles were identified through the database searches. A total of 10 articles, with a heterogeneous study design, which involved 77 patients with USN with low-to-moderate methodological quality, have been selected. Five out the included studies tested usability of IVR for assessed or treated visual perception deficits in USN, comparing the results with 134 healthy subjects. In the rest of studies that tested IVR such as treatment, three showed statistical positive results (p < 0.05) in visual perception outcome. To date, the literature has suggested the potential benefits in the use of IVR for the treatment of visual perception disorders in USN. Interestingly, IVR motivates patients during the rehabilitation process improving compliance and interest. The heterogeneity in the studies’ design and in IVR treatments indicate the need of future investigations in the consideration of potentiality and low-cost of this technology.

Keywords: immersive virtual reality; rehabilitation; stroke; systematic review; unilateral spatial neglect.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
PRISMA flow Diagram of studies selection process [22].
Figure 2
Figure 2
Methodological quality evaluated with the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools.


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