A versatile and scalable strategy for glycoprofiling bifidobacterial consumption of human milk oligosaccharides

Riccardo G Locascio, Milady R Niñonuevo, Scott R Kronewitter, Samara L Freeman, J Bruce German, Carlito B Lebrilla, David A Mills, Riccardo G Locascio, Milady R Niñonuevo, Scott R Kronewitter, Samara L Freeman, J Bruce German, Carlito B Lebrilla, David A Mills


Human milk contains approximately 200 complex oligosaccharides believed to stimulate the growth and establishment of a protective microbiota in the infant gut. The lack of scalable analytical techniques has hindered the measurement of bacterial metabolism of these and other complex prebiotic oligosaccharides. An in vitro, multi-strain, assay capable of measuring kinetics of bacterial growth and detailed oligosaccharide consumption analysis by FTICR-MS was developed and tested simultaneously on 12 bifidobacterial strains. For quantitative consumption, deuterated and reduced human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) standards were used. A custom software suite developed in house called Glycolyzer was used to process the large amounts of oligosaccharide mass spectra automatically with (13)C corrections based on de-isotoping protocols. High growth on HMOs was characteristic of Bifidobacterium longum biovar infantis strains, which consumed nearly all available substrates, while other bifidobacterial strains tested, B. longum bv. longum, B. adolescentis, B. breve and B. bifidum, showed low or only moderate growth ability. Total oligosaccharide consumption ranged from a high of 87% for B. infantis JCM 7009 to only 12% for B. adolescentis ATCC 15703. A detailed analysis of consumption glycoprofiles indicated strain-specific capabilities towards differential metabolism of milk oligosaccharides. This method overcomes previous limitations in the quantitative, multi-strain analysis of bacterial metabolism of HMOs and represents a novel approach towards understanding bacterial consumption of complex prebiotic oligosaccharides.

© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Schematic of experimental procedure. Schematic illustration for the workflow utilized for the real‐time monitoring of bacterial growth, sample preparation, MS analysis, data collection and analysis. (a and b) Clonal expansion and real‐time monitoring of bacterial growth performed in anaerobic chamber. (c) Sample collection. (d) Sample inactivation, sterilization and clean‐up. (e) Internal standard addition. (f) TipTop PGC oligosaccharide isolation. (g) Sample MS analysis, data acquisition and processing. Time gains in sample processing as compared with a previously developed method (LoCascio et al., 2007).
Figure 2
Figure 2
Human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) consumption glycoprofiles. MALDI‐FTICR‐MS analysis of 12 bifidobacterial strains grown on a medium supplemented with 1.6% (w/v) HMO. HMO consumption is represented as the per cent difference in HMO abundance between the start and the end of fermentation, which was defined as the beginning of stationary phase (see Fig. S2 and Table S1 for detailed glycoprofiles and HMOs relative per cent abundance). Measurements are triplicates of individual biological and technical replicates. DP, degree of polymerization of the HMOs. *Fucosylated HMOs.
Figure 3
Figure 3
MALDI‐FTICR‐MS analysis of glycans remaining post fermentation by B. adolescentis (A) and B. infantis (B). Shown in the upper section are the full scan MS of the two samples along with the zoomed‐in mass spectra of four selected masses [m/z 1097 (1), 1243 (2), 1608 (3), 1754 (4)]. The lines point to the difference of the D/H ratio for each sample illustrating differential consumption of the two species (see text for details on the D/H methods).
Figure 4
Figure 4
HPLC‐Chip/TOF‐MS analysis of selectivity for specific glycan structures consumed by B. infantis ATCC 15697. Shown are nanoLC extracted ion chromatograms (XIC) of selected milk glycans recovered (A) after incubation with B. infantis ATCC 15697 and (B) before incubation (control). The complete disappearance (A) of all glycan peaks for specific oligosaccharide (m/z: 732, 878 and 1243) indicates that B. infantis consumes specific HMOs but does not discriminate for any specific isomers within each group of HMO consumed.


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