Evaluation of the Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Follicular and Endometrial Growth: A Literature Review

Adrielli Riboldi Ferrari, Sylvia Cortrezzi, Edson Borges Junior, Daniela Braga, Maria do Carmo Borges de Souza, Roberto de Azevedo Antunes, Adrielli Riboldi Ferrari, Sylvia Cortrezzi, Edson Borges Junior, Daniela Braga, Maria do Carmo Borges de Souza, Roberto de Azevedo Antunes


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used in several areas of medicine due to its ability to promote tissue regeneration by growth factors and cytokines. This review addresses the use of PRP to rejuvenate ovarian follicles and increase the thickness of the endometrium to receive an embryo. PRP is obtained from the patient's own blood (autologous blood) - a fact that determines a lower chance of rejection reactions. Alpha granules of platelets provide and release supra physiological amounts of growth factors and cytokines, which provide a regenerative stimulus in tissues with low healing potential. In the ovary, PRP and its growth factors stimulate vascularization and recruitment of available primordial follicles that could no longer be otherwise stimulated. The rejuvenation of the ovary by PRP infusion aims to obtain new oocytes in ovaries with low numbers of follicles or low follicular reserve markers. In the preparation of the endometrium, PRP is used for its several growth factors that allow tissue proliferation and endometrial thickening, especially in cases of endometria that are difficult to prepare or that fail to reach an adequate minimum thickness (>7mm). To date, there are few studies of greater expression in the literature that support the use of PRP with the two purposes described above. Thus, although promising, the technique must still be validated by larger clinical trials.

Keywords: platelet-rich plasma; review.

Conflict of interest statement


The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Most common growth factors in PRP and their main functions.


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