Effects of Self-Weighing During Weight Loss Treatment: A 6-Month Randomized Controlled Trial

Alberto Hernández-Reyes, Fernando Cámara-Martos, Ángela Vidal, Rafael Molina-Luque, Rafael Moreno-Rojas, Alberto Hernández-Reyes, Fernando Cámara-Martos, Ángela Vidal, Rafael Molina-Luque, Rafael Moreno-Rojas


Objective: To examine the effectiveness of self-weighing for weight loss in men for 6 months.

Methods: In the present study, 54 men, mean age of 40.1 ± 11.1 years, with overweight or obesity, were recruited and randomly assigned into two groups: control group (CG), without weight self-monitoring and intervention group (IG), with weight self-monitoring. Both groups received the same nutritional and educational advice and the establishment of a weight target to reach in the weight loss program. Subjects of IG also had individualized motivating content to improve self-management for 24 weeks. Anthropometric indices were measured at baseline and weekly for 24 weeks.

Results: When the group assigned after randomization was introduced in the analysis, its influence was significant in weight loss (F1.52 = 19.465, ± 2 = 0.272, p < 0.001) and in the decrease in body fat percentage (F1.52 = 8,306, ± 2 = 0.132, p < 0.01).

Conclusion: Study results indicate that self-weighing can help patients to lose additional weight. Our findings have implications in the emerging area of the behavioral approach of patients undergoing weight-loss treatment, as well as clinical care processes.

Clinical trial registration: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT04032249.

Keywords: goals; obesity; overweight; self-weighing; weight-loss.

Copyright © 2020 Hernández-Reyes, Cámara-Martos, Vidal, Molina-Luque and Moreno-Rojas.


Consort diagram.
Evolution of weight (A), body fat (B), and visceral fat (C) according to the assigned group.


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