Stopping at a red light: Recruitment of inhibitory control by environmental cues

Shachar Hochman, Avishai Henik, Eyal Kalanthroff, Shachar Hochman, Avishai Henik, Eyal Kalanthroff


Environmental cues can influence basic perceptual and attentional processes especially in an emotional context. In the current study, we aimed to investigate the effect of a non-emotional common environmental cue-a traffic light-on a higher cognitive operation-inhibition. In two experiments, we administered a novel version of the stop-signal task, in which the go task was to determine the color of a traffic light. In order to investigate the influence of each of the cues on inhibitory processes, separate tracking procedures (one for each cue) were applied simultaneously to the stop-signal delay. In Experiment 1, we found that reaction time in no-stop-signal trials was faster when a green traffic light was present, whereas stop-signal reaction time was longer when a red traffic light was present. In Experiment 2, neutral control cues were used in addition to a red and green light. The results indicate that the differences between red and green stem from an association between the color red and stop processes (rather than from the green-go association). These results strengthen previous findings showing the effect of environmental cues on attentional processes and go beyond them by showing that the effect is not restricted to emotional cues. Most importantly, the current study results suggest that environmental cues can also influence complex cognitive operations such as inhibitory control. These results might have specific implications for our understanding of the processes that underlie specific psychiatric disorders characterized by inhibitory deficit.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Example of a red traffic…
Fig 1. Example of a red traffic light stop-signal trial.
In both experiments, each trial started with a 1,000 ms fixation (a white plus sign at the center of a gray screen). Following this, a visual go stimulus appeared (i.e., picture of red, green, or black (the latter only in Experiment 2) traffic light that appeared randomly and in equal proportions). In no-stop-signal trials, the go stimulus stayed in view for 2,000 ms or until a key press. In stop-signal trials, an auditory tone was presented shortly after the appearance of the go-signal. The duration between the go- and stop-signal (SSD; stop-signal delay) was subjected to a tracking procedure that was applied separately for each type of stimulus (red or green traffic light). Each trial ended with a 1,000 ms inter-trial interval (gray screen). Examples of a red light stimuli are presented from Experiment 1 (3-aspects traffic light) and Experiment 2 (1-aspect traffic light).


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