Clinical Trials on Comparing Head And Neck Endoscopy in Healthy Patients in Ireland

Total 2 results

  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Johns Hopkins University; Massachusetts General Hospital; Washington University... and other collaborators
    Resident Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Cross-cultural Care | Interpersonal and Communication Skills in Patient-clinician Encounters | Patient-reported Satisfaction With Resident Physicians Involved in Their Care | Patients' Clinical Health Outcomes After Surgery
    United States
  • University of Nebraska
    Melanoma | Sarcoma | Kidney Cancer | Leukemia | Breast Cancer | Laryngeal Cancer | Hypopharyngeal Cancer | Nasopharyngeal Cancer | Multiple Myeloma | Gastric Cancer | Pancreatic Cancer | Esophageal Cancer | Small Intestine Cancer | Ovarian Cancer | Lynch Syndrome | Lung Cancer | Rectal Cancer | Prostate Cancer | Gastrointestinal... and other conditions
    United States