Clinical Trials on Partial Edentulism in Canada

Total 402 results

  • ppharmaand GmbH
    Bristol-Myers Squibb; Gynecologic Oncology Group; European Network of Gynaecological... and other collaborators
    Active, not recruiting
    Fallopian Tube Cancer | Epithelial Ovarian Cancer | Primary Peritoneal | Newly Diagnosed | FIGO Stage III-IV | Partial Response | Complete Response
    United States, United Kingdom, Korea, Republic of, Russian Federation, Canada, Denmark, Taiwan, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, Spain, Australia, Israel, Italy, Greece, Sweden, Czechia, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Romania, Singa... and more
  • Children's Oncology Group
    National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    Renal Cell Carcinoma | Wilms Tumor | Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney | Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma | Kidney Medullary Carcinoma | Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis | Rhabdoid Tumor of the Kidney | Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma | Renal Cell Carcinoma Associated With Xp11.2 Translocations... and other conditions
    United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Switzerland