Application of an EMG-Rehabilitation Robot in Patients with Post-Coronavirus Fatigue Syndrome (COVID-19)-A Feasibility Study

Ewa Zasadzka, Sławomir Tobis, Tomasz Trzmiel, Renata Marchewka, Dominika Kozak, Anna Roksela, Anna Pieczyńska, Katarzyna Hojan, Ewa Zasadzka, Sławomir Tobis, Tomasz Trzmiel, Renata Marchewka, Dominika Kozak, Anna Roksela, Anna Pieczyńska, Katarzyna Hojan


This pilot study aimed to assess the safety and feasibility of an EMG-driven rehabilitation robot in patients with Post-Viral Fatigue (PVF) syndrome after COVID-19. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups (IG-intervention group and CG-control group) in an inpatient neurological rehabilitation unit. Both groups were assessed on admission and after six weeks of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation was carried out six days a week for six weeks. The patients in the IG performed additional training using an EMG rehabilitation robot. Muscle fatigue was assessed using an EMG rehabilitation robot; secondary outcomes were changes in hand grip strength, Fatigue Assessment Scale, and functional assessment scales (Functional Independence Measure, Barthel Index). Both groups improved in terms of the majority of measured parameters comparing pre- and post-intervention results, except muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue scores presented non-significant improvement in the IG and non-significant deterioration in the CG. Using an EMG rehabilitation robot in patients with PVF can be feasible and safe. To ascertain the effectiveness of such interventions, more studies are needed, particularly involving a larger sample and also assessing the participants' cognitive performance.

Trial registration: NCT05130736.

Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; exercises; hand grip strength; occupational therapy; physiotherapy.

Conflict of interest statement

D.K. (clinical specialist in physiotherapy) and A.R. (biomedical engineer) are employees of the EGZOTech company, which designed the Luna EMG robot.


Figure 1
Figure 1
An example of the EMG robot setup during the exercises (source: authors’ own).
Figure 2
Figure 2
Study participants flowchart.


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