Snoring as a risk factor for disease: an epidemiological survey

P G Norton, E V Dunn, P G Norton, E V Dunn


In a study conducted in four family practice units in Toronto, Canada, 2001 subjects reported on snoring and medical conditions in members of their households. For spouses the prevalence of snoring increased with age up to the seventh decade, with a higher prevalence of nearly 85% in husbands. For 11 medical problems an association existed between snoring, its frequency, and the presence of the condition. This association continued when the data were corrected for sex, age, and marital state. For hypertension both men and women who snored between the fifth and 10th decades had a twofold increase over non-snorers. The prevalence of heart disease and other conditions, except for diabetes and asthma, also increased in snorers in this age group. When corrected for smoking and obesity the association between snoring, hypertension, and heart disease persisted. These findings extend those of Lugaresi et al, and if they could be confirmed snoring as a risk factor for conditions other than sleep apnoea and sleep disorders might be considered. Methods of alleviating the acoustic annoyance of snoring may also provide direct medical benefits.


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Source: PubMed
