Medical recommendations for home-confined footballers' training during the COVID-19 pandemic: from evidence to practical application

Cristiano Eirale, Giannicola Bisciotti, Alessandro Corsini, Christophe Baudot, Gerard Saillant, Hakim Chalabi, Cristiano Eirale, Giannicola Bisciotti, Alessandro Corsini, Christophe Baudot, Gerard Saillant, Hakim Chalabi


In early 2020, the world is facing a global emergency called COVID-19. Many professional footballers around the world are home confined. The maintenance of physical capacity is a fundamental requirement for the athlete, so the training sessions must be adapted to this unique situation. Specific recommendations must be followed concerning the type of training, its intensity, the precautions that have to be followed to avoid the possibility of contagion, and the restrictions in accordance with the presence of any symptoms. This article analyses the available scientific evidence in order to recommend a practical approach.

Keywords: Coronavirus; Football; Illness; Soccer; Training.

Conflict of interest statement

All authors declare having NO conflict of interest

Copyright © Biology of Sport 2020.


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