The efficacy of a targeted PREVENTION programme for addictive behaviour (PREVENTURE) among vulnerable ADOlescents in France - study procotol

Morgane Guillou-Landreat, Elkhan Tahmazov, Schreck Benoit, Marie Grall-Bronnec, Patricia Conrod, Audrey Livet, Emmanuel Nowak, Jean -Yves Le Reste, Morgane Guillou-Landreat, Elkhan Tahmazov, Schreck Benoit, Marie Grall-Bronnec, Patricia Conrod, Audrey Livet, Emmanuel Nowak, Jean -Yves Le Reste


Background: Alcohol use is a major public health challenge in France, where at the age of 17 half the young people report an episode of severe alcohol intoxication in the month preceding the survey. Numerous prevention programmes have a general objective, but in adolescence individual vulnerabilities towards addictions differ significantly with personality traits. Prevention targeting personality traits enables work on risk factors for addictive behaviours, and has shown genuine efficacy. Among existing programmes, PREVENTURE has shown an effect on the reduction in alcohol consumption by targeting four personality traits: impulsivity, sensation-seeking, negative thoughts and anxiety. This programme has been tested on samples recruited in adolescent populations in school environments, identifying adolescents at risk, but it has not been tested on a more targeted recruitment of adolescents seen in consultation.

Methods: The main hypothesis of this study is that the targeted prevention programme PREVENTURE will have an impact on the prevalence of binge-drinking episodes. The secondary hypotheses explore other factors such as associated substance use, anxiety and depression, as well as the acceptability of the programme. This article presents the study protocol of "PREVADO" study. We intend to assess the impact of the targeted intervention programme PREVENTURE on the prevalence of binge-drinking episodes among adolescents aged 14 to 17 years consulting in one of the participating centres or referred by a school doctor. The study will be prospective, randomised, controlled and open-label, and will comprise an intervention group and a control group. The adolescents will then be followed and assessed 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the intervention. The study needs to include 700 subjects in order to reach 340 adolescents randomised, 170 in each group. It will concern 33 centres.

Discussion: This project could favour the targeting of addictive behaviours among vulnerable adolescents, and its application on a larger scale could be envisaged.

Trial registration: The Trial registration number is NCT04599270 , and it was registered on the public website.

Keywords: Alcohol; Alcohol use disorder; Targeted alcohol use prevention.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Study design


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