Incidence, worsening and risk factors of daytime sleepiness in a population-based 5-year longitudinal study

I Jaussent, C M Morin, H Ivers, Y Dauvilliers, I Jaussent, C M Morin, H Ivers, Y Dauvilliers


Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is highly prevalent in the general population; however little is known about its evolution and predictors. Our objectives were to document its natural history, provide estimates of its prevalence, incidence and persistence rates, and to identify predictors of increased daytime sleepiness (DS) in a longitudinal community study of 2157 adults over 5 years. Participants completed postal assessment at baseline and at each yearly follow-up. DS was evaluated by the Epworth Sleepiness scale (ESS). At baseline, 33% reported EDS (ESS > 10) with 33% of them reported persistent EDS. Of those without EDS at baseline, 28% developed incident EDS (15% were persistent) and 31% increased DS (augmentation ≥4-points between two consecutive evaluations). Younger age and depression were independent predictors of incident EDS and DS increase while lower coffee consumption, smoking, insomnia, tiredness and chronic pain were associated with incident EDS, and living alone with DS increase only. Persistent vs transient EDS or DS showed association with poor general health including metabolic diseases. Thus, sleepiness fluctuated over time and it was predicted by common lifestyle and psychological factors potentially modifiable. However, persistent sleepiness was associated with chronic medical diseases thus highlighting a homogeneous group at risk requiring a dedicated management.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Flow chart diagram.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Prevalences of new, recurrent and remitted cases of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) during the follow-up.


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