A Health- and Resource-Oriented Perspective on NSLBP

Cornelia Rolli Salathé, Achim Elfering, Cornelia Rolli Salathé, Achim Elfering


Nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP) is an important health issue of our time. Personal as well as economic factors, like suffering pain and experiencing disability on the one hand and enormous and still increasing costs to the economy and society on the other hand, display the importance of the matter. Tremendous research has been conducted in the last few decades on NSLBP. A PubMed search (June 17, 2013) on "low back pain" provided 22,980 hits, and when specifying for "low back pain, systematic review," 3,134 hits were still generated. Most research has been done examining the development, risk factors, or therapeutic measures of NSLBP, but hardly any literature exists on resources related to NSLBP. The aims of this review are twofold. In order to shade light on the salutogenetic approach of NSLBP, and thus to focus on health instead of illness, the first aim is to facilitate the understanding of which therapeutic measures enhance the ability to cope with chronic NSLBP and enable (more) normal functioning in life. The second aim is to stimulate the understanding of resources protecting against the onset of NSLBP or against the development of chronic NSLBP and its resulting work absence.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Biopsychosocial model of low back pain and disability [, page 458].
Figure 2
Figure 2
The modified Salford Model illustrating the development of disability [, pages 97–104].


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