Adipose tissue CIDEA is associated, independently of weight variation, to change in insulin resistance during a longitudinal weight control dietary program in obese individuals

Emilie Montastier, Sébastien Déjean, Caroline Le Gall, Wim H M Saris, Dominique Langin, Nathalie Viguerie, Emilie Montastier, Sébastien Déjean, Caroline Le Gall, Wim H M Saris, Dominique Langin, Nathalie Viguerie


Aim: Weight loss reduces risk factors associated with obesity. However, long-term metabolic improvement remains a challenge. We investigated quantitative gene expression of subcutaneous adipose tissue in obese individuals and its relationship with low calorie diet and long term weight maintenance induced changes in insulin resistance.

Research design: Three hundred eleven overweight and obese individuals followed a dietary protocol consisting of an 8-week low calorie diet followed by a 6-month ad libitum weight-maintenance diet. Individuals were clustered according to insulin resistance trajectories assessed using homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index. Adipose tissue mRNA levels of 267 genes selected for regulation according to obesity, metabolic status and response to dieting was assessed using high throughput RT-qPCR. A combination of discriminant analyses was used to identify genes with regulation according to insulin resistance trajectories. Partial correlation was used to control for change in body mass index.

Results: Three different HOMA-IR profile groups were determined. HOMA-IR improved during low calorie diet in the 3 groups. At the end of the 6-month follow-up, groups A and B had reduced HOMA-IR by 50%. In group C, HOMA-IR had returned to baseline values. Genes were differentially expressed in the adipose tissue of individuals according to groups but a single gene, CIDEA, was common to all phases of the dietary intervention. Changes in adipose tissue CIDEA mRNA levels paralleled variations in insulin sensitivity independently of change in body mass index. Overall, CIDEA was up-regulated in adipose tissue of individuals with successful long term insulin resistance relapse and not in adipose tissue of unsuccessful individuals.

Conclusion: The concomitant change in adipose tissue CIDEA mRNA levels and insulin sensitivity suggests a beneficial role of adipose tissue CIDEA in long term glucose homeostasis, independently of weight variation.

Trial registration: NCT00390637.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Figure 1. Flowchart for individuals' selection from…
Figure 1. Flowchart for individuals' selection from the DiOGenes cohort.
Participants entering subsequent phases of the study as well as dropouts are indicated in total. AT, adipose tissue; CID, clinical investigation day; HGI, high glycemic index; HOMA-IR, Individual Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance; HP, high protein; LCD, low calorie diet; LGI, low glycemic index; LP, low protein; WMD, weight maintenance diet.
Figure 2. Clustering of insulin resistance profiles…
Figure 2. Clustering of insulin resistance profiles in obese individuals during the dietary intervention (n = 216).
Individual Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) changes during an 8-week calorie restriction (LCD) and a 6-month weight maintenance diet (WMD) were clustered, resulting in 3 groups. The panel shows mean HOMA-IR changes expressed as change after LCD and at the end of the 6-montho weight maintenance (WMD) vs. baseline (BAS) values according to groups. The black line shows the HOMA-IR profile for group A (n = 94). The dashed line shows the HOMA-IR profile for group B (n = 48). The dotted line shows the HOMA-IR profile for group C (n = 74). The A, B, and C are the mean of HOMA-IR changes in each clustered group. : p<0.05, data different in group A. Δ: p<0.05, data different in group B. #: p<0.05, data different in group C. §: p<0.05, data difference between groups. Values are means ± SEM.
Figure 3. Human adipose tissue CIDEA gene…
Figure 3. Human adipose tissue CIDEA gene expression according to insulin resistance profiles (n = 216).
Relative CIDEA mRNA levels in subcutaneous adipose tissue were plotted according to groups compared to baseline, after 8 weeks low calorie diet (LCD, white bars), and after 6 months of weight maintenance diet (WMD, black bars). AT, adipose tissue; HOMA-IR, Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance. *: p<0.05, difference between baseline and the end of LCD or WMD. Values are means ± SEM.
Figure 4. Adipose tissue CIDEA gene expression…
Figure 4. Adipose tissue CIDEA gene expression according to improvement of insulin sensitivity during dietary intervention (n = 311).
CIDEA mRNA levels fold change (FC) in subcutaneous adipose tissue were plotted according to FC in HOMA-IR during the entire dietary intervention. AT, adipose tissue; HOMA-IR, Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance. *: p


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