Assessment of the masseter stiffness in patients during conservative therapy for masticatory muscle disorders with shear wave elastography

Anna Olchowy, Piotr Seweryn, Cyprian Olchowy, Mieszko Wieckiewicz, Anna Olchowy, Piotr Seweryn, Cyprian Olchowy, Mieszko Wieckiewicz


Background: The complex structure of the stomatognathic system plays a vital role in chewing, digestion, speaking, breathing, facial expression and swallowing. Its complexity is the primary reason for creating multidisciplinary teams to manage temporomandibular disorders (TMD). We aimed to assess the masseter stiffness in patients undergoing conservative therapy for masticatory muscle disorders and evaluate the efficacy of manual therapy and stabilization occlusal splint in the treatment of masticatory muscle disorders.

Methods: This uncontrolled prospective cohort study included 35 patients with masticatory muscle disorders. The study lasted for eight weeks. The patients were treated with manual therapy and stabilization occlusal splint and evaluated using shear wave elastography of the masseter muscles and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to assess pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, satisfaction with life and perceived stress.

Results: After the treatment, the stiffness of both masseter muscles decreased significantly (by 4.21 kPa). The patients reported a significant reduction in pain. At baseline, the median scores ranged from 5 to 8; after treatment, they ranged from 0 to 1 (p < 0.0001). The patients also reported significant improvement in terms of all patient-reported outcome measures. The reduction in stiffness corresponded to the improvement in pain and PROMs, as shown by correlations which were insignificant for all measures.

Conclusions: Conservative therapy of masticatory muscle disorders involving manual therapy and stabilization occlusal splint is effective. It reduces the masseter stiffness as objectively shown in shear wave elastography and improves subjective PROMs scores, including numerical pain assessment and selected questionnaires. Shear wave elastography has the potential for broad application in clinical practice to monitor masticatory muscle disorders treatment effects due to its objectivity and non-invasive character. Further research is recommended on larger patient populations and longer follow-up.

Trial registration: The study was registered at ( NCT03844854 ). First posted date: 19/02/2019.

Keywords: Massage; Masseter; Masticatory muscle disorders; Occlusal splint; Shear wave elastography; Temporomandibular disorders.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

© 2022. The Author(s).


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Study design


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