Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Substance Use among University Students

David A F Haaga, Sarina Grosswald, Carolyn Gaylord-King, Maxwell Rainforth, Melissa Tanner, Fred Travis, Sanford Nidich, Robert H Schneider, David A F Haaga, Sarina Grosswald, Carolyn Gaylord-King, Maxwell Rainforth, Melissa Tanner, Fred Travis, Sanford Nidich, Robert H Schneider


A randomized wait-list controlled trial (N = 295 university students) of the effects of the Transcendental Meditation program was conducted in an urban setting. Substance use was assessed by self-report at baseline and 3 months later. For smoking and illicit drug use, there were no significant differences between conditions. For alcohol use, sex X intervention condition interactions were significant; TM instruction lowered drinking rates among male but not female students. TM instruction could play a valuable role in reducing alcohol use among male university students. Limitations are noted, along with suggestions for further research.


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Source: PubMed
