Dacryocystorhinostomy ostium: parameters to evaluate and DCR ostium scoring

Mohammad Javed Ali, Alkis James Psaltis, Peter John Wormald, Mohammad Javed Ali, Alkis James Psaltis, Peter John Wormald


Aim: This study aims to provide a systematic protocol for the evaluation of a dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) ostium and to propose a scoring system to standardize the assessment.

Methods: Retrospective evaluation of 125 consecutive lacrimal ostia post-DCR was performed. Medical records were screened, and photographs and videos were assessed to note the details of various ostial parameters. The major time points in evaluation were 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months post-DCR. The ostia were defined and parameters like shape, size, location, and evolution of ostium were noted. Evaluation parameters were defined for internal common opening (ICO), ostium stents, and ostium granulomas. Ostium cicatrix and synechiae were graded based on their significance. Surgical success rates were computed and ostium characteristics in failed cases were studied.

Results: A total of 125 ostia were evaluated on the aforementioned ostium parameters. Because five ostia showed a complete cicatricial closure with no recognizable features, the remaining 120 ostia were studied. The ostium location was anterior to the axilla of middle turbinate in 85.8% (103/120) of the cases. Moreover, 76.6% (92/120) of the ostia were circular to oval in shape, with a shallow base. The ostium size was >8×5 mm in 78.3% (94/120) of the cases. The ICO was found to be located in the central or paracentral basal area in 75.8% (91/120). The anatomical and functional success rates achieved were 96% and 93.6%, respectively. All the five cases with anatomical failures showed a complete cicatrization and the ICO movements were poor in all the three cases of functional failure.

Conclusion: The article attempts to standardize the postoperative evaluation of a DCR ostium and provides a systematic protocol and scoring system for possible use by surgeons and researchers alike.

Keywords: DCR; lacrimal; nasal endoscopy; ostium; score.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Endoscopic view of an ostium. Notes: Ostium view showing different parts that define it. (A-anterior edge, B-base, I-inferior edge, P-posterior edge, S-superior edge) (A). High magnification showing a closer view of the base and the two edges (B). An ostium behind the axilla of the MT. A small inferior-edge granuloma can also be appreciated (C). A circular ostium with a deep base (D). Abbreviation: MT, middle turbinate.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Evaluation of an DCR ostium. Notes: Endoscopic view of a large ostium with a shallow base (A). A crescentric ostium (B). Measuring an ostium with a scale (C). A small ostium (D). Evolution of an ostium at 1 week (E) and at 4 weeks postoperatively (F).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Evaluating the ostium cicatrization and synechiae. Notes: Endoscopic view of the pseudocicatrix with a dehiscence (A). View of a large ostium with positive FEDT from the edge of the pseudocicatrix (B). Incomplete and irregular cicatrization (C). Complete cicatricial closure of ostium (D). Noninterfering ostioseptal synechiae (E). Interfering ostioseptal synechiae (F). Abbreviation: FEDT, functional endoscopic dye test.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Evaluation of the DCR ostium and its pathologies. Notes: Endoscopic view of the ICO (arrow) situated at the base of the ostium (A). Posterior-edge ICO with a small mucus plug anterior to it (B). ICO covered by overhanging anterosuperior edge. Note the clue provided by the dye (C). ICO with a thin membrane in front of it being elevated by a probe (D). A granuloma threatening the ICO (E). A granuloma abutting the ICO and entrapping the silicone stent (F). Soft tissue infection of the ostial and periostial tissues (G). Diffuse edema of an ostium (H). Gross discharge originating near the ostium (I). Opened-up ethmoids near the ostium (J). Abbreviation: ICO, internal common opening.


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Source: PubMed
