Exploring Community Smokers' Perspectives for Developing a Chat-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention Delivered Through Mobile Instant Messaging: Qualitative Study

Tzu Tsun Luk, Sze Wing Wong, Jung Jae Lee, Sophia Siu-Chee Chan, Tai Hing Lam, Man Ping Wang, Tzu Tsun Luk, Sze Wing Wong, Jung Jae Lee, Sophia Siu-Chee Chan, Tai Hing Lam, Man Ping Wang


Background: Advances in mobile communication technologies provide a promising avenue for the delivery of tobacco dependence treatment. Although mobile instant messaging (IM) apps (eg, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, and WeChat) are an inexpensive and widely used communication tool, evidence on its use for promoting health behavior, including smoking cessation, is scarce.

Objective: This study aims to explore the perception of using mobile IM as a modality to deliver a proposed chat intervention for smoking cessation in community smokers in Hong Kong, where the proportion of smartphone use is among the highest in the world.

Methods: We conducted 5 focus group, semistructured qualitative interviews on a purposive sample of 15 male and 6 female current cigarette smokers (age 23-68 years) recruited from the community in Hong Kong. All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. Two investigators independently analyzed the transcripts using thematic analyses.

Results: Participants considered mobile IM as a feasible and acceptable platform for the delivery of a supportive smoking cessation intervention. The ability to provide more personalized and adaptive behavioral support was regarded as the most valued utility of the IM-based intervention. Other perceived utilities included improved perceived psychosocial support and identification of motivator to quit. In addition, participants provided suggestions on the content and design of the intervention, which may improve the acceptability and usability of the IM-based intervention. These include avoiding health warning information, positive messaging, using former smokers as counselors, and adjusting the language style (spoken vs written) according to the recipients' preference.

Conclusions: This qualitative study provides the first evidence that mobile IM may be an alternative mobile health platform for the delivery of a smoking cessation intervention. Furthermore, the findings inform the development of a chat-based, IM smoking cessation program being evaluated in a community trial.

Keywords: WhatsApp; chat intervention; instant messaging; mHealth; mobile phone; smoking cessation; social media; tobacco dependence.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

©Tzu Tsun Luk, Sze Wing Wong, Jung Jae Lee, Sophia Siu-Chee Chan, Tai Hing Lam, Man Ping Wang. Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (http://mhealth.jmir.org), 31.01.2019.


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