Placental transfusion and short-term outcomes among extremely preterm infants

Neha Kumbhat, Barry Eggleston, Alexis S Davis, Krisa P Van Meurs, Sara Bonamo DeMauro, Elizabeth E Foglia, Satyanarayan Lakshminrusimha, Michele C Walsh, Kristi L Watterberg, Myra H Wyckoff, Abhik Das, Sara C Handley, Generic Database Subcommittee of the NICHD Neonatal Research Network, undefined, Richard A Polin, Abbot R Laptook, Martin Keszler, Angelita M Hensman, Elisa Vieira, Anna Marie Hibbs, Nancy S Newman, Eileen Stork, Arlene Zadell, William E Truog, Eugenia K Pallotto, Howard W Kilbrid, Cheri Gauldin, Anne Holmes, Allison Knutson, Brenda B Poindexter, Kurt Schibler, Cathy Grisby, Kristin Kirker, C Michael Cotten, Ronald N Goldberg, Joanne Finkle, Kimberley A Fisher, Matthew M Laughon, Carl L Bose, Janice Bernhardt, Gennie Bose, Cindy Clark, Stephen D Kicklighter, Ginger Rhodes-Ryan, Jerry Magolan, Jeffery Board, David P Carlton, Yvonne Loggins, Colleen Mackie, Diane I Bottcher, Rosemary D Higgins, Stephanie Wilson Archer, Gregory M Sokol, Dianne E Herron, Kathleen A Kennedy, Jon E Tyson, Amir M Khan, Emily K Stephens, Georgia E McDavid, Claudia I Franco, Anna E Lis, Sara C Martin, Patricia Ann Orekoya, Claudia Pedrozza, Neha Kumbhat, Barry Eggleston, Alexis S Davis, Krisa P Van Meurs, Sara Bonamo DeMauro, Elizabeth E Foglia, Satyanarayan Lakshminrusimha, Michele C Walsh, Kristi L Watterberg, Myra H Wyckoff, Abhik Das, Sara C Handley, Generic Database Subcommittee of the NICHD Neonatal Research Network, undefined, Richard A Polin, Abbot R Laptook, Martin Keszler, Angelita M Hensman, Elisa Vieira, Anna Marie Hibbs, Nancy S Newman, Eileen Stork, Arlene Zadell, William E Truog, Eugenia K Pallotto, Howard W Kilbrid, Cheri Gauldin, Anne Holmes, Allison Knutson, Brenda B Poindexter, Kurt Schibler, Cathy Grisby, Kristin Kirker, C Michael Cotten, Ronald N Goldberg, Joanne Finkle, Kimberley A Fisher, Matthew M Laughon, Carl L Bose, Janice Bernhardt, Gennie Bose, Cindy Clark, Stephen D Kicklighter, Ginger Rhodes-Ryan, Jerry Magolan, Jeffery Board, David P Carlton, Yvonne Loggins, Colleen Mackie, Diane I Bottcher, Rosemary D Higgins, Stephanie Wilson Archer, Gregory M Sokol, Dianne E Herron, Kathleen A Kennedy, Jon E Tyson, Amir M Khan, Emily K Stephens, Georgia E McDavid, Claudia I Franco, Anna E Lis, Sara C Martin, Patricia Ann Orekoya, Claudia Pedrozza


Objective: To compare short-term outcomes after placental transfusion (delayed cord clamping (DCC) or umbilical cord milking (UCM)) versus immediate cord clamping among extremely preterm infants.

Design: Retrospective study.

Setting: The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network registry.

Patients: Infants born <29 weeks' gestation in 2016 or 2017 without congenital anomalies who received active treatment after delivery.

Intervention/exposure: DCC or UCM.

Main outcome measures: Primary outcomes: (1) composite of mortality or major morbidity by 36 weeks' postmenstrual age (PMA); (2) mortality by 36 weeks PMA and (3) composite of major morbidities by 36 weeks' PMA. Secondary composite outcomes: (1) any grade intraventricular haemorrhage or mortality by 36 weeks' PMA and (2) hypotension treatment in the first 24 postnatal hours or mortality in the first 12 postnatal hours. Outcomes were assessed using multivariable regression, adjusting for mortality risk factors identified a priori, significant confounders and centre as a random effect.

Results: Among 3116 infants, 40% were exposed to placental transfusion, which was not associated with the primary composite outcome of mortality or major morbidity by 36 weeks' PMA (adjusted OR (aOR) 1.26, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.66). However, exposure was associated with decreased mortality by 36 weeks' PMA (aOR 0.71, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.92) and decreased hypotension treatment in first 24 postnatal hours (aOR 0.66, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.82).

Conclusion: In this extremely preterm infant cohort, exposure to placental transfusion was not associated with the composite outcome of mortality or major morbidity, though there was a reduction in mortality by 36 weeks' PMA.

Trial registration number: NCT00063063.

Keywords: epidemiology; mortality; neonatology; outcomes research; procedures.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


Figure 1:. Rates of ICC, DCC, and…
Figure 1:. Rates of ICC, DCC, and UCM by NRN center, 2016–2017
ICC = Immediate cord clamping, DCC = Delayed cord clamping, UCM = Umbilical cord milking

Source: PubMed
