The follicular and endocrine environment in women with endometriosis: local and systemic cytokine production

A Pellicer, C Albert, A Mercader, F Bonilla-Musoles, J Remohí, C Simón, A Pellicer, C Albert, A Mercader, F Bonilla-Musoles, J Remohí, C Simón


Objective: To assess the endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine milieu in patients with endometriosis on the basis of the measurement of several cytokines in serum and follicular fluid (FF) and in vitro culture of granulosa luteal cells.

Design: Case-control study.

Setting: In vitro fertilization program at the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad.

Patient(s): Twenty patients with laparoscopically documented endometriosis and 18 controls. Fifteen subjects were studied in a natural cycle and 23 were investigated in a stimulated cycle while undergoing IVF.

Intervention(s): Individual follicle aspiration, oocyte isolation, FF storage, and preparation of luteinized granulosa cell cultures. Diagnostic laparoscopy in natural cycles.

Main outcome measure(s): Serum (day of ovum pick-up or laparoscopy) and FF measurement of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Secretion of IL-1beta, IL-6, and VEGF in the cell-conditioned medium. Results were compared between patients with endometriosis and controls.

Result(s): Interleukin-6 levels in serum were increased in the natural cycles of patients with endometriosis and modulated by ovarian stimulation, showing a significant decrease in hMG- and FSH-stimulated cycles and a significant increase after hCG administration. In addition, IL-6 levels were increased in the FF of patients with endometriosis and released in higher amounts by their granulosa luteal cells. Vascular endothelial growth factor was accumulated in lesser concentrations in the FF of patients with endometriosis. Interleukin-1beta levels did not show significant changes. Implantation rates were decreased significantly in patients with endometriosis who were undergoing IVF.

Conclusion(s): The data demonstrate that cytokines are regulated differently in patients with endometriosis, who have increased IL-6 production, and suggest that fine hormonal modulation of this cytokine occurs at the systemic and local (ovarian) levels. These changes show that the endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine milieu is different in patients with endometriosis and may be related to their lower implantation rates.

Source: PubMed
