Why the HIV Reservoir Never Runs Dry: Clonal Expansion and the Characteristics of HIV-Infected Cells Challenge Strategies to Cure and Control HIV Infection

Chuen-Yen Lau, Matthew A Adan, Frank Maldarelli, Chuen-Yen Lau, Matthew A Adan, Frank Maldarelli


Antiretroviral therapy (ART) effectively reduces cycles of viral replication but does not target proviral populations in cells that persist for prolonged periods and that can undergo clonal expansion. Consequently, chronic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is sustained during ART by a reservoir of long-lived latently infected cells and their progeny. This proviral landscape undergoes change over time on ART. One of the forces driving change in the landscape is the clonal expansion of infected CD4 T cells, which presents a key obstacle to HIV eradication. Potential mechanisms of clonal expansion include general immune activation, antigenic stimulation, homeostatic proliferation, and provirus-driven clonal expansion, each of which likely contributes in varying, and largely unmeasured, amounts to maintaining the reservoir. The role of clinical events, such as infections or neoplasms, in driving these mechanisms remains uncertain, but characterizing these forces may shed light on approaches to effectively eradicate HIV. A limited number of individuals have been cured of HIV infection in the setting of bone marrow transplant; information from these and other studies may identify the means to eradicate or control the virus without ART. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of HIV-1 persistence and clonal expansion, along with the attempts to modify these factors as part of reservoir reduction and cure strategies.

Keywords: HIV; clonal expansion; cure; persistence; reservoir.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
(A) Mechanism of HIV integration. HIV proviruses integrate into host DNA via a nucleophilic attack, staggered by 5 host base pairs. This staggering of base pairs allows for integration site analysis to determine true clonal expansion from the results of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. HIV integration favors transcriptionally active regions of the chromosome and, therefore, typically does not take place within tightly bound heterochromatin. LEDGF/p75 is a transcriptional activator that guides integration towards transcriptionally active regions and AT-rich regions. A simplified representation of the HIV intasome is depicted. It is likely comprised of a multimer of integrase molecules. Bp: base pair; IN: integrase tetramer. Adapted from [64]. (B) Phases of the productive HIV replication cycle. HIV proviruses also replicate through clonal expansion, not depicted here. RT: reverse transcription.
Figure 2
Figure 2
(A) Multiphasic model of viral decay. The four phases of HIV RNA decay after starting ART are shown. (B) Phase 1 viral load decay is greater in INSTI-containing regimens. The greater rate of phase 1 decay is likely due to the existence of two distinct populations of HIV-infected cells, some that integrate DNA slowly, and others that integrate more quickly. HIV RNA rapidly declines as INSTIs prevent integration in faster-integrating cell populations. This trend may also be explained by the later stage in the HIV lifecycle at which integrase inhibitors act. (Adapted from [65].).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Clonal expansion vs. viral replication. HIV infection may persist via multiple mechanisms. Without ART, or with inadequate ART, cycles of active viral replication continue, leading to the infection of new susceptible cells. New cycles of infection result in new mutations and genetic variation. Even while on effective ART, HIV proviruses persist via the clonal expansion of HIV-infected cells. Clonally expanded cells may be replication-competent, periodically reactivate from a latent state, and may produce infectious virus, leading to low-level viremia. With effective ART, this low-level viral production is unlikely to infect new cells. Adapted from [87].
Figure 4
Figure 4
Mechanisms of clonal expansion. (A) Homeostatic proliferation maintains existing CD4 T cells. (B) Generalized immune activation can stimulate CD4 T-cell proliferation. (C) Antigen-binding to a CD4 T-cell receptor can stimulate clonal expansion. This stimulus for clonal expansion can create larger clones than the other mechanisms. (D) In rare instances, the site of proviral integration into the host genome can stimulate clonal expansion.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Receptors and coreceptors on CD4 T cells. Tropism of HIV is determined by receptors and coreceptors that allow for binding to the cell surface. LFA-1: lymphocyte-function-associated antigen. Adapted from [207].
Figure 6
Figure 6
HIV DNA by Anatomic Compartment. This figure depicts copies of HIV DNA-per-million cells quantified by ddPCR at various anatomic sites, as described by two research groups. HIV DNA serves as an estimate of the number of proviruses present. A total of 10 individuals are represented in this figure, 8 of whom had undetectable plasma viral RNA until death and 2 of whom discontinued ART in the days or weeks before death. Each dot represents mean HIV DNA copies across all participants in that study at each anatomic site, with bars that extend to one SD above and below the mean value. Dots that do not have SD bars represent data from one individual, and thus SD could not be calculated. Data are from Bozzi et al. [3] and Chaillon [227].


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