Schema therapy versus cognitive behavioral therapy versus individual supportive therapy for depression in an inpatient and day clinic setting: study protocol of the OPTIMA-RCT

Johannes Kopf-Beck, Petra Zimmermann, Samy Egli, Martin Rein, Nils Kappelmann, Julia Fietz, Jeanette Tamm, Katharina Rek, Susanne Lucae, Anna-Katharine Brem, Philipp Sämann, Leonhard Schilbach, Martin E Keck, Johannes Kopf-Beck, Petra Zimmermann, Samy Egli, Martin Rein, Nils Kappelmann, Julia Fietz, Jeanette Tamm, Katharina Rek, Susanne Lucae, Anna-Katharine Brem, Philipp Sämann, Leonhard Schilbach, Martin E Keck


Background: Major depressive disorder represents (MDD) a major cause of disability and disease burden. Beside antidepressant medication, psychotherapy is a key approach of treatment. Schema therapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, especially personality disorders, in a variety of settings and patient groups. Nevertheless, there is no evidence on its effectiveness for MDD in an inpatient nor day clinic setting and little is known about the factors that drive treatment response in such a target group.

Methods: In the current protocol, we outline OPTIMA (OPtimized Treatment Identification at the MAx Planck Institute): a single-center randomized controlled trial of schema therapy as a treatment approach for MDD in an inpatient and day clinic setting. Over the course of 7 weeks, we compare schema therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy and individual supportive therapy, conducted in individual and group sessions and with no restrictions regarding concurrent antidepressant medication, thus approximating real-life treatment conditions. N = 300 depressed patients are included. All study therapists undergo a specific training and supervision and therapy adherence is assessed. Primary outcome is depressive symptom severity as self-assessment (Beck Depression Inventory-II) and secondary outcomes are clinical ratings of MDD (Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale), recovery rates after 7 weeks according to the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview, general psychopathology (Brief Symptom Inventory), global functioning (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule), and clinical parameters such as dropout rates. Further parameters on a behavioral, cognitive, psychophysiological, and biological level are measured before, during and after treatment and in 2 follow-up assessments after 6 and 24 months after end of treatment.

Discussion: To our knowledge, the OPTIMA-Trial is the first to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy as a treatment approach of MDD, to investigate mechanisms of change, and explore predictors of treatment response in an inpatient and day clinic setting by using such a wide range of parameters. Insights from OPTIMA will allow more integrative approaches of psychotherapy of MDD. Especially, the identification of intervention-specific markers of treatment response can improve evidence-based clinical decision for individualizing treatment.

Trial registration: Identifier on : NCT03287362 ; September, 12, 2017.

Keywords: Cognitive behavioral therapy; Depression; Mechanisms of change; Personalized psychiatry; Psychotherapy; Randomized controlled trial; Relapse prevention; Schema therapy; Supportive therapy; Treatment prediction.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Flow chart of enrollment and assessments of the OPTIMA-Study. Note: *Assessment domains are obligatory for participation. EMA – Ecological Momentary Assessment


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