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Comparison of Primary PCI vs. Post-thrombolysis PCI as Reperfusion Strategies in STEMI (GRACIA4)

2014年10月16日 更新者:Pedro L Sanchez、GRACIA Group

A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Primary PCI and Post-thrombolysis PCI as Reperfusion Strategies in Patients With ST Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

The conceptual hypothesis of this study is that primary angioplasty is superior to a combined strategy of immediate thrombolysis followed by routine angioplasty in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI), even with the inherent delay of the transfer of these patients.






This is a randomized, multicenter, open-label clinical trial comparing two strategies of reperfusion in STEMI. Patients will be randomly allocated to: primary angioplasty or post-thrombolysis angioplasty. A clinical follow-up will be performed at 12 months. In this trial, 1444 patients with STEMI will be randomized to primary angioplasty with immediate stent implantation in at least the infarct related artery (IRA) under bivalirudin protection, or to a combined strategy of immediate thrombolysis with tenecteplase (TNK) and enoxaparin followed by cardiac catheterization and adequate revascularization when indicated during the next morning after randomization.

Primary endpoint:

To compare the clinical efficacy (incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization or severe hemorrhage within 12 months) of primary angioplasty versus thrombolytic treatment followed by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) the next day in patients with STEMI.

Secondary endpoints:

  • Components of the composite endpoint individually analysed at 12 months (death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and severe hemorrhage).
  • Cardiovascular mortality and its different components (pre-specified in the case report forms, CRF) at 12 months.
  • Incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and/or hemorrhage at 30 days.
  • Incidence of major bleeding events during hospitalization and at 30 days.
  • To compare the clinical efficacy of both treatments according to the timing of presentation after symptom onset (0 to 3 hours, >3-6 hours, and >6-12 hours), to the patient´s age (> or < 75 years), to the infarction localization (anterior or inferior), to gender (male or female), to the presence of diabetes mellitus and to the characteristics of the recruiting center (with or without 24-hour catheterization facilities).
  • Incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and/or hemorrhage at 3 years.
  • Components of the composite endpoint individually analysed at 3 years (death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and severe hemorrhage).
  • Analysis of stent thrombosis according to the Academic Research Consortium (ARC) definition (http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/06/transcripts/2006-4253t2.rtf.) within 30 days, 12 months and 3 years.
  • To compare the combination of death, reinfarction, revascularization, rehospitalization and/or major hemorrhage of patients treated with primary angioplasty versus those assigned to the postrombolysis angioplasty who underwent catheterization the following day within 30 days, 12 months and 3 years.
  • To compare every indivicual components of the combine endpoint (death, reinfarction, revascularization, rehospitalization and major hemorrhage) of patients treated with primary angioplasty versus those assigned to the postrombolysis angioplasty who underwent catheterization the following day within 30 days, 12 months and 3 years.
  • To compare the cost-effectiveness relationship (cost of maintaining a patient alive and without adverse cardiovascular events within the first year post-infarction) of both strategies.



入学 (実際)



  • フェーズ 4





18年歳以上 (大人、高齢者)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age >18 years
  • Chest discomfort > 30 minutes with no response to nitroglycerin
  • Time from the onset of symptoms to randomization between 0 and 12 hours
  • ST segment elevation > 1 mm in two or more contiguos precordial leads or non-diagnostic ECG (left bundle branch block or pacemarker rhythm) with classic symptoms.
  • Killip class equal or less than 3
  • Written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Cardiogenic shock defined as a systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg without response to fluid administration or <100 mm Hg in patients with supportive treatment and no bradycardia
  • Suspicion or evidence of mechanical complications of STEMI
  • Non-cardiac disease that is likely to jeopardize compliance with follow-up schedule of the study (life expectancy < 1 year)
  • woman of childbearing potential unless a negative pregnant test
  • Major contraindications for thrombolytic therapy
  • Participation in other trial
  • Known multivessel disease identified as unsuitable for revascularization
  • Known peripheral vascular disease that complicates cardiac catheterization





  • 主な目的:処理
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:並列代入
  • マスキング:独身


参加者グループ / アーム
アクティブコンパレータ:Primary angioplasty
Patients assigned to this treatment will undergo cardiac catheterization within the time recommended by current guidelines. Double antiagregation will be used, vascular access wil be obtained and bivalirudin will be used as anticoagulation; all following current guidelines recommendations
Two different reperfusion strategies in STEMI will be compared: primary angioplasty vs. post-thrombolysis angioplasty
アクティブコンパレータ:Post-thrombolysis angioplasty
Patients will receive tenecteplase, enoxaparin, and double antiagreagation with clopidogrel or aspirin as recommended guidelines. Criteria of no reperfusion after fibrinolysis is defined as absence of ST-segment lowering >50%, 90 minutes after fibrinolysis. If not reperfusion is achieved recue angiplasty will be performed inmmediately if reperfusion is achieved cardiac catheterization will be performed the mornig following the day of randomization
Two different reperfusion strategies in STEMI will be compared: primary angioplasty vs. post-thrombolysis angioplasty



incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization or severe hemorrhage
時間枠:12 months
To compare the clinical efficacy (incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization or severe hemorrhage within 12 months) of primary angioplasty versus post-thrombolytic angioplasty
12 months


Incidence of death
時間枠:12 months
Components of the composite endpoint individually analysed at 12 months (death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and severe hemorrhage).
12 months
Incidence of myocardial reinfaction
時間枠:12 months
Components of the composite endpoint individually analysed at 12 months (death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and severe hemorrhage).
12 months
Incidence of new revascularization
時間枠:12 months
Components of the composite endpoint individually analysed at 12 months (death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and severe hemorrhage).
12 months
Incidence of rehospitalization
時間枠:12 months
Components of the composite endpoint individually analysed at 12 months (death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and severe hemorrhage).
12 months
Incidence of cardiovascular mortality
時間枠:12 months
12 months
Incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and/or hemorrhage
時間枠:30 days
30 days
Incidence of major bleeding events
時間枠:Hospitalization and at 30 days
Hospitalization and at 30 days
clinical efficacy according to timing of presentation (<3, 3-6, and >6 hours), patient´s age (> or < 75 years), infarction localization, gender, presence of diabetes and recruiting center (with or without catheterization facilities)
時間枠:12 months
12 months
Incidence of the composite endpoint formed by death, reinfarction, new revascularization, rehospitalization and/or hemorrhage
時間枠:3 years
3 years
Incidence of death
時間枠:3 years
3 years
Incidence of reinfarction
時間枠:3 years
3 years
Incidence of new revascularization
時間枠:3 years
3 years
Incidence of rehospitalization
時間枠:3 years
3 years
Analysis of stent thrombosis according to the Academic Research Consortium (ARC) definition (http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/06/transcripts/2006-4253t2.rtf.)
時間枠:30 days, 12 months and 3 years
30 days, 12 months and 3 years
Combination of death, reinfarction, revascularization, rehospitalization and/or major hemorrhage of patients treated with primary angioplasty vs. those assigned to postrombolysis angioplasty undergoing catheterization the following day
時間枠:30 days, 12 months and 3 years
30 days, 12 months and 3 years
To compare every indivicual components of the combine endpoint of patients treated with primary angioplasty versus those assigned to the postrombolysis angioplasty who underwent catheterization the following day
時間枠:30 days, 12 months and 3 years
30 days, 12 months and 3 years
To compare the cost-effectiveness relationship (cost of maintaining a patient alive and without adverse cardiovascular events within the first year post-infarction) of both strategies
時間枠:12 months
12 months





  • スタディチェア:Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, MD, PhD、faviles@secardiologia.es





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Reperfusion strategiesの臨床試験
