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New Models for the Evaluation of Preclinical Treatment for Urothelial Carcinomas of the Upper Excretory Tract. (CICLOP)

2022년 9월 27일 업데이트: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nīmes

Development of New Models for the Evaluation of Preclinical Treatment for Urothelial Carcinomas of the Upper Excretory Tract.

Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinomas are rare, aggressive tumors, accounting for 5 to 10% of all urothelial tumors. These include tumors which develop in the renal cavities (renal pelvis, calices) and ureteral tumors. Nephro-ureterectomy is the standard treatment but 80% of patients will have a relapse within 2 years. Only one trial has (Birtle et al. 2020), has shown the interest of postoperative chemotherapy. Neoadjuvant systemic treatment seems particularly interesting for a population which is going to undergo a nephronic loss and therefore reduction in kidney function which is likely to make patients ineligible for cisplatin. In favor of additional immunotherapy, it has been described that upper excretory tract tumors have a high immunogenic potential with a high rate of microsatellite instability.

From surgical samples of patient tumors obtained after nephroureterectomy or biopsy material collected before treatment, we are going to generate patient-derived cell lines and xenograft models in the mouse. A recent publication has demonstrated the feasibility of this approach by specifying that the capture rate of tumor cells is 50% for patient-derived xenografts and 25% for patient-derived cells (Coleman et al. 2020). As tumors harvested from biopsies do not grow in patient-derived xenografts,we plan to graft the biopsies onto chorioallantoic chicken embryo membranes, a model which has never been used for this indication and which is one of the original features of our approach. These three concomitant approaches will allow us to increase our chances of obtaining stable upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma lines to be used for the screening and identification of new treatments or new combinations of molecules that would benefit patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinomas, knowing that very few studies dedicated to this type of cancer have been conducted or published due to the rarity of the disease and the lack of existing models published on the subject of these particular tumors.


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등록 (예상)


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연구 연락처

연구 연락처 백업

  • 이름: Anissa MEGZARI, Mme.
  • 전화번호:
  • 이메일: drc@chu-nimes.fr

연구 장소

    • Gard
      • Nîmes, Gard, 프랑스, 30029
        • 모병
        • Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes
        • 연락하다:
          • Anissa MEZGARI


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샘플링 방법

비확률 샘플

연구 인구

The study population consists of patients treated consecutively at the Urology Andrology department of Nîmes University Hospital for high-grade carcinomas of the pelvis or renal ureter for whom a total nephroureterectomy has been indicated during a multidisciplinary meeting. The tumor samples used for our study come from specimens removed surgically. Patients must not have undergone any prior systemic treatment.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Patients treated consecutively at the Urology Andrology Department of Nîmes University Hospital for high grade carcinoma of the pelvis or renal ureter with an indication for total nephroureterectomy decided during a multidisciplinary meeting.
  • Patient with a diagnosis of high-grade urothelial carcinoma of the pelvis or renal ureter confirmed by histology (biopsy, biopsy of the ureteroscopic) or by cytology with the presence of :
  • High-grade disease on ureteroscopic biopsy OR ;
  • High grade disease on urinary cytology AND infiltrating appearance of the renal pelvic wall / ureter on the scanner (the presence of hydronephrosis will be considered as pervasive by definition) with a negative cytoscopy.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Any patient who has undergone previous systemic treatment.

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

디자인 세부사항

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Histological characteristics of patient-derived xenograft models after staining.
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
Microscopic observation of cells after staining with hematoxylin and eosin
1-6 months after harvesting
Study of genomes of tumor specimens
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
Exome sequencing of DNA cells isolated from original patient tumor specimens.
1-6 months after harvesting
Alterations in the genomes of patient-derived xenograft tumor models
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
Exome sequencing of DNA cells isolated from patient-derived xenograft tumor models.
1-6 months after harvesting
Alterations in the genomes of patient-derived cell line models
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
Exome sequencing of DNA cells isolated from patient-derived cell line models.
1-6 months after harvesting
Study of the transcriptome of patient tumor specimens.
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
RNA-sequencing of cells isolated from patient tumor specimens.
1-6 months after harvesting
Transcriptome of the patient-derived xenograft tumor models.
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
RNA-sequencing of cells isolated from patient-derived xenograft tumor models.
1-6 months after harvesting
Transcriptome of the patient-derived cell line models.
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
RNA-sequencing of cells isolated from patient-derived cell line models.
1-6 months after harvesting

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Sensitivity to Cisplatin: patient-derived cell line models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
The MIC 50 test (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration required for cell growth to be inhibited by 50%) will be used in vitro to test the tumor cells' response to Cisplatin.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Carboplatin: patient-derived cell line models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
The MIC 50 test (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration required for cell growth to be inhibited by 50%) will be used in vitro to test the tumor cells' response to Carboplatin.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Oxaliplatin: patient-derived cell line models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
The MIC 50 test (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration required for cell growth to be inhibited by 50%) will be used in vitro to test the tumor cells' response to Oxaliplatin.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Gemcitabin: patient-derived cell line models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
The MIC 50 test (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration required for cell growth to be inhibited by 50%) will be used in vitro to test the tumor cells' response to Gemcitabin.
6-8 months after harvesting
Tumor size in non-treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 1-6 months after harvesting
The volume of tumors will be measured in mm3.
1-6 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Cisplatin: tumor size in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Cisplatin in xenograft models, the volume of tumors will be measured in mm3 and compared with the volume of tumors in the non-treated control group.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Cisplatin: tumor growth rate in patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Cisplatin in xenograft models, the Tumor Growth Inhibition index, which is defined as (1 - (mean volume of treated tumors)/(mean volume of control tumors)) × 100% will be used.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Carboplatin: tumor size in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Carboplatin in xenograft models, the volume of tumors will be measured in mm3 and compared with the volume of tumors in the non-treated control group.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Carboplatin: tumor growth rate in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Carboplatin in xenograft models, the Tumor Growth Inhibition index, which is defined as (1 - (mean volume of treated tumors)/(mean volume of control tumors)) × 100% will be used.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Oxiplatin: tumor size in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Oxiplatin in xenograft models, the volume of tumors will be measured in mm and compared with the volume of tumors in the non-treated control group.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Oxiplatin: tumor growth rate in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Oxiplatin in xenograft models, the Tumor Growth Inhibition index, which is defined as (1 - (mean volume of treated tumors)/(mean volume of control tumors)) × 100% will be used.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Gemcitabine: tumor size in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Gemcitabine in xenograft models, the tumor volume will be measured in mm3 and compared with the volume of tumors in the non-treated control group.
6-8 months after harvesting
Sensitivity to Gemcitabin: tumor growth rate in treated patient-derived xenograft models
기간: 6-8 months after harvesting
To test the tumor cells' response to Gemcitabin in xenograft models, the Tumor Growth Inhibition index, which is defined as (1 - (mean volume of treated tumors)/(mean volume of control tumors)) × 100% will be used.
6-8 months after harvesting

기타 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Patients' gender
기간: Day 0
The sex of patients will be recorded at the inclusion as Male/Female/Transgender
Day 0
Patients' age
기간: Day 0
The age of patients will be recorded at the inclusion in years
Day 0
Primitive tumor site
기간: Day 0
The site of the patient's primitive tumor will be recorded at the inclusion
Day 0
Infiltrative tumor
기간: Day 0
The tumor will be noted as infiltrative or not (YES/NO) at the inclusion.
Day 0

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추가 정보

이 연구와 관련된 용어

기타 연구 ID 번호

  • NIMAO/2020-2/NH01

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