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Low Field Magnetic Stimulation in Mood Disorders Using the LFMS Device (LFMS)

2016年4月12日 更新者:Michael Rohan、Mclean Hospital
This study is designed to test whether low-field magnetic stimulation (LFMS) can relieve some of the symptoms of depression in bipolar disorder or major depression.



This study involves a screening visit with the study physician and a treatment visit. Participants will be asked to complete several questionnaires about their mood during both visits. The treatment visit will involve use of the LFMS device. Participants will place the top of their head inside the device for approximately 20 minutes. Participants will receive either the actual treatment or a sham treatment and will not know which they receive. This device produces weak electromagnetic fields. There is no discomfort or even sensation caused by the device. The device has been declared to be a "non-significant risk device" by the FDA, and there are no known risks associated with its use.



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  • 不适用




    • Massachusetts
      • Belmont、Massachusetts、美国、02478
        • McLean Hospital





18年 至 70年 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder; must be currently depressed
  • May be medicated or unmedicated

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Contraindication for MRI due to metal in eyes/head
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Inability to lie flat.
  • History of brain injury.
  • Pregnant
  • Current drug use/abuse/dependence
  • History of polysubstance use





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:四人间


假比较器:Sham (inactive) Treatment BPD
20 minutes of sham treatment with the Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Device (LFMS)in bipolar depressed subjects
The LFMS Device is an electromagnetic coil situated on a cylinder with an inside diameter of 13.2 inches. It produces weak electromagnetic fields at a frequency of about 1 kHz; the magnetic fields are less than 30 Gauss and the electric fields are up to 1.43 V/m. Subjects will receive one 20 minute treatment.
  • 低频管理系统
有源比较器:Active LFMS treatment in BPD
20 minutes of active treatment with the Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Device (LFMS)in bipolar depressed subjects
The LFMS Device is an electromagnetic coil situated on a cylinder with an inside diameter of 13.2 inches. It produces weak electromagnetic fields at a frequency of about 1 kHz; the magnetic fields are less than 30 Gauss and the electric fields are up to 1.43 V/m. Subjects will receive one 20 minute treatment.
  • 低频管理系统
假比较器:Sham LFMS Comparator: in MD
20 minutes of sham treatment with the Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Device (LFMS) in major depressed subjects
The LFMS Device is an electromagnetic coil situated on a cylinder with an inside diameter of 13.2 inches. It produces weak electromagnetic fields at a frequency of about 1 kHz; the magnetic fields are less than 30 Gauss and the electric fields are up to 1.43 V/m. Subjects will receive one 20 minute treatment.
  • 低频管理系统
有源比较器:Experimental LFMS: in MD
20 minutes of active treatment with the Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Device (LFMS) in major depressed subjects
The LFMS Device is an electromagnetic coil situated on a cylinder with an inside diameter of 13.2 inches. It produces weak electromagnetic fields at a frequency of about 1 kHz; the magnetic fields are less than 30 Gauss and the electric fields are up to 1.43 V/m. Subjects will receive one 20 minute treatment.
  • 低频管理系统



Mean Change in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) (17 Item) in Subjects With Bipolar Depression
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
A multiple choice questionnaire used to rate depression severity. Mean change from pretreatment score. 17 items reflecting depression symptoms are scored on scale of severity; 9 items are scored 0 = Absent 1 = Trivial 2 = Mild 3 = Moderate 4 = Severe 8 items are scored 0 = Absent 1 = Mild 2 = Severe. Items are summed; minimum score is 0, maximum score is 52. Higher scores represent more severe depression.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Mean Change in Hamilton Depression Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) (17 Item) in Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
A multiple choice questionnaire used to rate depression severity. Mean change from pretreatment score. 17 items reflecting depression symptoms are scored on scale of severity; 9 items are scored 0 = Absent 1 = Trivial 2 = Mild 3 = Moderate 4 = Severe 8 items are scored 0 = Absent 1 = Mild 2 = Severe. Items are summed; minimum score is 0, maximum score is 52. Higher scores represent more severe depression.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in Subjects With Bipolar Depression
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
Eleven point Likert scales indicating immediate depression state. Mean change from pretreatment score. Participant marks an 'X' on a numbered line anchored by 0 = no depression and 10 = most depressed ever been.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
Eleven point Likert scales indicating immediate depression state. Mean change from pretreatment score. Participant marks an 'X' on a numbered line anchored by 0 = no depression and 10 = most depressed ever been.
Once just before and once just after treatment


Mean Change in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) (17 Item): Combined Diagnostic Groups.
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
A multiple choice questionnaire used to rate depression severity. Mean change from pretreatment score. 17 items reflecting depression symptoms are scored on scale of severity; 9 items are scored 0 = Absent 1 = Trivial 2 = Mild 3 = Moderate 4 = Severe 8 items are scored 0 = Absent 1 = Mild 2 = Severe. Items are summed; minimum score is 0, maximum score is 52. Higher scores represent more severe depression.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Visual Analog Scale (VAS): Combined Diagnostic Groups.
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
Eleven point Likert scales indicating immediate depression state. Mean change from pretreatment score. Participant marks an 'X' on a numbered line anchored by 0 = no depression and 10 = most depressed ever been.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Positive Score: Combined Diagnostic Group.
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
20 item list of words that describe different feelings and emotions with positive and negative valences (10 each), which the subject scores on a 1-5 scale: 1 = very slightly or not at all 2 = a little 3 = moderate 4 = quite a bit 5 = extremely. Positive and Negative scores are calculated and reported separately and range from 10-50. Higher positive score reflects stronger positive affect and higher negative score reflects stronger negative affect.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Negative Score: Combined Diagnostic Group.
大体时间:once pre and once post LFMS treatment
20 item list of words that describe different feelings and emotions with positive and negative valences (10 each), which the subject scores on a 1-5 scale: 1 = very slightly or not at all 2 = a little 3 = moderate 4 = quite a bit 5 = extremely. Positive and Negative scores are calculated and reported separately and range from 10-50. Higher positive score reflects stronger positive affect and higher negative score reflects stronger negative affect.
once pre and once post LFMS treatment
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Positive Score in Subjects With Bipolar Depression.
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
20 item list of words that describe different feelings and emotions with positive and negative valences (10 each), which the subject scores on a 1-5 scale: 1 = very slightly or not at all 2 = a little 3 = moderate 4 = quite a bit 5 = extremely. Positive and Negative scores are calculated and reported separately and range from 10-50. Higher positive score reflects stronger positive affect and higher negative score reflects stronger negative affect.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Positive Score in Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder
大体时间:Once just before and once just after treatment
20 item list of words that describe different feelings and emotions with positive and negative valences (10 each), which the subject scores on a 1-5 scale: 1 = very slightly or not at all 2 = a little 3 = moderate 4 = quite a bit 5 = extremely. Positive and Negative scores are calculated and reported separately and range from 10-50. Higher positive score reflects stronger positive affect and higher negative score reflects stronger negative affect.
Once just before and once just after treatment
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Negative Score in Subjects With Bipolar Depression
大体时间:once pre and once post LFMS treatment
20 item list of words that describe different feelings and emotions with positive and negative valences (10 each), which the subject scores on a 1-5 scale: 1 = very slightly or not at all 2 = a little 3 = moderate 4 = quite a bit 5 = extremely. Positive and Negative scores are calculated and reported separately and range from 10-50. Higher positive score reflects stronger positive affect and higher negative score reflects stronger negative affect.
once pre and once post LFMS treatment
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Negative Score in Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder
大体时间:once pre and once post LFMS treatment
20 item list of words that describe different feelings and emotions with positive and negative valences (10 each), which the subject scores on a 1-5 scale: 1 = very slightly or not at all 2 = a little 3 = moderate 4 = quite a bit 5 = extremely. Positive and Negative scores are calculated and reported separately and range from 10-50. Higher positive score reflects stronger positive affect and higher negative score reflects stronger negative affect.
once pre and once post LFMS treatment




  • 首席研究员:Michael Rohan, PhD、McLean Hospital




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  • 2006-P-001655
  • Stanley Grant 07TGS-1045 (其他赠款/资助编号:Stanley Grant 07TGS-1045)

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