Clinical Trials on Indication for Modification of Patient Cognitive Status in Portugal

Total 2 results

  • Iolanda Costa Galinha
    DGArtes - Direção Geral das Artes; CIS-Iscte - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção...
    Depression | Quality of Life | Body Weight | Stress | Sleep | Anxiety | Blood Pressure | Cognitive Function | Blood Glucose | Loneliness | Physical Function | Medication Compliance | Balance | Memory | Biomarker | Well-Being | Respiratory Function | Social Identification | Cholesterol | C-reactive Protein | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and other conditions
  • Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche...
    UPCET; PARTNERS for International clinical Research; European Fundation for the... and other collaborators
    Active, not recruiting
    Acetaminophen | Patency of the Ductus Arteriosus | Extreme Prematurity
    France, Norway, Belgium, Estonia, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal