Clinical Trials on Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing in Czechia

Total 2 results

  • Maastricht University
    Medtronic; ZonMw: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
    Atrioventricular Block | Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy | Cardiac Pacing | Conduction System Pacing | Left Ventricular Septal Pacing
    Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Czechia, Italy, Switzerland, Poland
  • Nanostim, Inc.
    Atrial Fibrillation With 2 or 3° AV or Bifascicular Bundle Branch (BBB) Block | Normal Sinus Rhythm With 2 or 3° AV or BBB Block | Sinus Bradycardia With Infrequent Pauses or Unexplained Syncope With EP Findings
    Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic