Validation of the Opening Minds Scale and patterns of stigma in Chilean primary health care

Jaime C Sapag, Rachel Klabunde, Luis Villarroel, Paola R Velasco, Cinthia Álvarez, Claudia Parra, Sireesha J Bobbili, Franco Mascayano, Inés Bustamante, Rubén Alvarado, Patrick Corrigan, Jaime C Sapag, Rachel Klabunde, Luis Villarroel, Paola R Velasco, Cinthia Álvarez, Claudia Parra, Sireesha J Bobbili, Franco Mascayano, Inés Bustamante, Rubén Alvarado, Patrick Corrigan


Objectives: Stigma toward people with mental health problems (MHP) in primary health care (PHC) settings is an important public health challenge. Research on stigma toward MHP is relatively scarce in Chile and Latin America, as are instruments to measure stigma that are validated for use there. The present study aims to validate the Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Professionals (OMS-HC) among staff and providers in public Chilean PHC clinics, and examine differences in stigma by sociodemographic characteristics.

Methods: 803 participants from 34 PHC clinics answered a self-administered questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis was completed. Average 15-item OMS-HC scores were calculated, and means were compared via t-test or ANOVA to identify group differences. Correlations of OMS-HC scores with other commonly used stigma scores were calculated to evaluate construct validity.

Results: The 3-factor OMS-HC structure was confirmed in this population. The average OMS-HC (α = 0.69) score was 34.55 (theoretical range 15-75). Significantly lower (less stigmatizing) mean OMS-HC scores were found in those with additional training and/or personal experience with MHP.

Conclusion: The validated, Spanish version of OMS-HC can be of use to further research stigma toward MHP in Chile and Latin America, advancing awareness and inspiring interventions to reduce stigma in the future.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Mean Opening Minds Scale for…
Fig 1. Mean Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC) score by participant role in CESFAM.
Note: CESFAM = Centro de Salud Familiar (Chilean Public Primary Health Care Clinic). Bars represent 95% Confidence Interval. Security Personnel and Nursing Technician do not have Confidence Intervals represented due to small sample size.


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